Home (Global)SpectrumIARU and ITUWRC-23Agenda Item 1.2

Agenda Item 1.2

Text of agen­da item 1.2 and accom­pa­ny­ing res­o­lu­tion 245 (WRC-19)

Exist­ing ama­teur and ama­teur-satel­lite allo­ca­tions in 3 300–3 400 MHz and 10.0–10.5 GHz

His­to­ry and cur­rent use of the 3 300–3 400 MHz and the 10.0–10.5 GHz allocations

Sta­tus of WRC-23 Agen­da Item 1.2 as Relat­ed to the Ama­teur Ser­vices (July 2022)

Under AI 1.2, WRC-23 will con­sid­er des­ig­nat­ing sev­er­al addi­tion­al bands for Inter­na­tion­al Mobile Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions (IMT), includ­ing 3300–3400 MHz and 10.0–10.5 GHz in Region 2. The ama­teur ser­vice in Regions 2 and 3 has a sec­ondary allo­ca­tion at 3300–3400 MHz and there are glob­al sec­ondary allo­ca­tions to the ama­teur ser­vice at 10.0–10.5 GHz and to the ama­teur-satel­lite ser­vice at 10.45–10.5 GHz.

Res­o­lu­tion 245 invites ITU‑R to con­duct shar­ing and com­pat­i­bil­i­ty stud­ies with pri­ma­ry ser­vices, but not sec­ondary ser­vices, in these bands. As a result, it has been dif­fi­cult to gain prop­er recog­ni­tion of the ongo­ing require­ments of the ama­teur ser­vices despite the con­sid­er­a­tion in the res­o­lu­tion of “the need to pro­tect exist­ing ser­vices and to allow for their con­tin­ued devel­op­ment when con­sid­er­ing fre­quen­cy bands for pos­si­ble addi­tion­al allo­ca­tions to any service.”

With respect to the 3300–3400 MHz band, until now there has been no move to sup­press the ama­teur ser­vice from the inter­na­tion­al Table of Fre­quen­cy Allo­ca­tions although some admin­is­tra­tions already have ear­marked the band for domes­tic IMT use and that trend is like­ly to con­tin­ue. When IMT is imple­ment­ed, con­tin­ued ama­teur access to the band becomes problematic.

The sit­u­a­tion at 10.0–10.5 GHz is dif­fer­ent. The ama­teur allo­ca­tion is wide­ly used in much of the world and the ama­teur-satel­lite allo­ca­tion is in heavy use for the down­link of the Es’hail 2/QO-100 satel­lite. Ama­teur use of these allo­ca­tions has proven to be entire­ly com­pat­i­ble with oth­er incum­bent services.

Anoth­er con­sid­er­a­tion in Res­o­lu­tion 245 is “that har­mo­nized world­wide fre­quen­cy bands and har­mo­nized fre­quen­cy arrange­ments for IMT are high­ly desir­able in order to achieve glob­al roam­ing and the ben­e­fits of economies of scale.” IMT at 10.0–10.5 GHz would vio­late this principle.

IARU has sub­mit­ted its oppo­si­tion to the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of 10.0–10.5 GHz for IMT to the appro­pri­ate ITU‑R Work­ing Par­ties and to CITEL PCC II.

IARU is not alone in hav­ing con­cerns about IMT at 10 GHz. Stud­ies have shown a high risk of poten­tial inter­fer­ence to the earth-explo­ration satel­lite ser­vice (EESS) in the band.

Draft CPM text for AI 1.2 is not yet ful­ly developed.

Print This Page Updated on July 18, 2022

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