Member-societies are requested to send updated information (changes in officers, addresses, etc.) to the IARU Secretary:
Jump to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ALBANIA Albanian Amateur Radio Association [AARA]
Address: P.O. Box 1501, Tirana
Tel: +355 (0) 42251671 <ZA1B>, +355 (0) 696091719 <ZA1B>
Fax: +355 (0) 42251671 <ZA1B>
Email: g.… <ZA1B>, z.… <ZA1D>
Chairman: Dajlan Omeri, ZA1Z
Secretary: Nikolla Dedi, ZA1D
IARU liaison: Marenglen Mema, ZA1B
Last updated: 18-Aug-2016
ALGERIA Amateurs Radio Algeriens [ARA]
Location: 7 Square Port Said, 16000 Alger
Address: P.O. Box 1, 16000 Alger Marsa
Tel: +213 6 61573677 or +213 5 61362267
Email: ar… <HQ>, a.… <7X2RO>
Fax: +213 21725013
President: Afif Benlagha, 7X2RO
Secretary: Nabil Souici, 7X2KC
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 9‑Dec-2023
ANDORRA Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans [URA]
Location: Av. Fiter I Rossell, 71 AD700 Escaldes, Engondany, Principality of Andorra
Address: P.O. Box 1150, AD 553 Principality of Andorra
Tel: +376 825380 <HQ>
Fax: +376 825380 <HQ>
Email: u.… <HQ>, c.… <C31US>
President: Joan Sauri i Araus, C31US
Secretary: Enric Cassany Rossell, C33CE
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 07-June-2023
ANGUILLA Anguilla Amateur Radio Society [AARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1670, The Valley, Anguilla AI-2640, BWI
Email: k.… <VP2EKG>
President: Keith “Stone” Greaves, VP2EKG
Vice president: Teddy Edwards, VP2ETE
Secretary: Kurlidah Richardson, VP2EKR
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 01-Mar-2015
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA Antigua and Barbuda Amateur Radio Society [ABARS]
Address: P.O. Box 965, St. John’s
Email: v2.… <HQ>, de.… <V21DJ>
President: Fitzmorris Martin, V21JM
Vice President: Peter Stoute, V21PS
Secretary: Denise Jarvis, V21DJ
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 10-Mar-2017
ARGENTINA Radio Club Argentino [RCA]
Location: Coronel Pagola 3618, C1437IXB Buenos Aires
Address: P.O. Box 97, C1000WAA Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 (11) 4911–5868 <HQ>
Fax: +54 (11) 4911–5868 <HQ>
Email: lu4.….… <HQ>
President: Juan I. Recabeitia, LU8ARI
Vice President: Diego Salom, LU8ADX
Secretary: Carlos Beviglia, LU1BCE
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 20-Jul-2021
ARMENIA Federation of Radiosport of the Republic of Armenia [FRRA]
Address: P/Box 22, Yerevan 0002
Tel: +374 55003399 <HQ>
Fax: +3741 565616 <HQ>
Email: a.… <EK6NK>
President: Arman Babloyan, EK6NK
Secretary: Vahe Terzyan, EK6VT
IARU Liaison: Mher Markosian, EK6AN
Last updated: 12-Feb-2015
ARUBA Aruba Amateur Radio Club [AARC]
Location: Spaanslagoenweg 12, Pos Chiquito
Address: P.O. Box 614, Oranjestad
Tel: +297 593‑7825 <P43RC>
Fax: +297 583‑1545 <P43E>
Email: a.… <HQ>
President: Raul Croes, P43RC
Secretary: Emily Thiel, P43E
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 17-Jan-2017
AUSTRALIA Wireless Institute of Australia [WIA]
Location: Suite 20, 11–13 Havelock Rd., Bayswater, Victoria 3153
Address: P.O. Box 2042, Bayswater, Victoria 3153
Tel: +61 (3) 9729 0400 <National Office>
Fax: +61 (3) 9729 7325 <National Office>
Email: n.… <National Office>, Sc.… <VK3KJ>, Le.… <VK3GK>, se.… <VK8ZZ>
President: Scott Williams, VK3KJ
Vice President: Lee Moyle, VK3GK
Secretary: Peter Clee, VK8ZZ
IARU liaison: Peter Young, VK3MV,
Last updated: 03-JanAug-2021
AUSTRIA Oesterreichischer Versuchssenderverband [OV]
Address: Industriezentrum NÖ-süd, Strasse 14, Objekt 31, A‑2351 Wr. Neudorf
Tel: +43 (1) 999 2131 <HQ>
Email: o.… <HQ>
President: Michael Kastelic, OE1MCU
Vice President: Manfred Mauler, OE7AAI
Vice President: Robert Kindl, OE6RKE
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 30-Jun-2023
AZERBAIJAN Radio Sport Federation of Azerbaijan [FRS]
Address: S‑Rustam 33A-24, Baku, AZ-1000
Email: o.…… 4J7A or a… 4J4J
President: Oktay Kerimov, 4J7A
Vice President: Igor Alimardanov, 4K5D
Secretary: Oktay Kerimov, 4J7A
IARU liaison: Anar Babayev, 4J4J
Last Updated: 06-FEB-2022
BAHAMAS Bahamas Amateur Radio Society [BARS]
Address: P.O. Box SS-6004, Nassau, N.P.
President: Reinhart Pearson, C6ANO
Secretary: Philip Dawkins, C6ACN
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 09-Mar-2003
BAHRAIN Bahrain Amateur Radio Society [BARS]
Address: PO Box 28021, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 3398 5518 <HQ>
Chairman: Fawaz Sulaibeekh, A92AA
IARU Liaison: Chairman
Last updated: 30-Jul-2021
BANGLADESH Bangladesh Amateur Radio League [BARL]
Address: 88, Lake Drive Road, Level 4, Sector 7, Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Tel: +8801552361485 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, s.… <S21DC>, s.… <S21MO>, s.… <S21RM>, s.… <S21MB>, s.… <S21AD>
President: Ln. Mohammad Didarul Husain, S21DC
Vice President: Mustahidul Islam, S21MO
General Secretary: MD Rashidul Alam Ripon, S21RM
Assistant General Secretary: Mukul Hossain, S21MB
Treasurer: Miah Mohammad Fardous Zahan Apollo, S21AD
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 30-Mar-2019
BARBADOS Amateur Radio Society of Barbados [ARSB]
Address: P.O. Box 814E, Bridgetown
Tel: +1 (246) 572‑5644 <8P6PE>, 437‑5537 <8P6JG>, 420‑1000 <8P6SL>, 425‑3209 <8P6JB>
Email: is.… <8P6PE>, Ma.… <8P6JG>, Ro.… <8P6SL>, ro.… <8P6JB>
President: Ishmael Cadogan, 8P6PE
Vice President: Mark King, 8P6JG
Secretary/Treasurer: Ronald Nurse, 8P6SL
IARU liaison: Vice President
Last updated: 14-Jun-2018
BELARUS Belarussian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen [BFRR]
Location: 7 Ignatenko St., Minsk 220035 Belarus
Address: PO Box 469, Minsk 220050, Belarus
Email: e.… <EU1M>
Chairman: Alexander Savushkin, EW2A
Secretary: Victor Krivoshein, EU1U
IARU liaison: Vladimir Sidarau, EU1M
Last updated: 19-Jun-2017
BELGIUM Union royale belge des amateurs-emetteurs/Koninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs/Konigliche Union der Belgischen Funkamateure (UBA)
Address: Rue de la Presse 4, B‑1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (51) 686225 or +32 2 2271163
Fax: +32 (2) 218‑3141
Email: p.… <ON7TK>, i.… <ON4UB>
President: Claude van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, ON7TK
Secretary (Flemish): Claude Laporte, ON4JCL
Secretary (French): Stefan Dombrowski, ON6TI
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 06-Jul-2022
BELIZE Belize Amateur Radio Club [BARC]
Address: PO Box 159, Belmopan, Belize, Central America
Tel: +501 629 1900
Email: of.… <office>, v… <v31dl>
President: Dr. Andre T. Scholz, V31DL
Vice President: Marc Missalla, V31MA
IARU Liaison: Dr. Andre T. Scholz, V31DL
Last updated: 22-Apr-2024
BERMUDA Radio Society of Bermuda [RSB]
Address: P.O. Box 275 HM AX, Hamilton City, Pembroke Parish
Tel: +1 441 236 6355 <VP9MT>
Email: v.…
President: Glen Cuoco, VP9ID
Secretary: Miriam Callabras, VP9LN
IARU liaison: John Stevens, VP9NI and Craig Nikolai, VP9NL
Last updated: 25-Oct-2017
BOLIVIA Radio Club Boliviano [RCB]
Location: Plaza Tejada Sorzano No. 1392, La Paz
Address: P.O. Box 2111, La Paz
Tel: +591 (2) 2222069 <HQ>
Fax: +591 (2) 2225157 <HQ>
Email: ra.… <HQ>, m.… <Mario Iberkleid, CP1FF>
President: Enrique Mendizabal Eyzaguirre, CP1OT
Secretary: José Negrie Tubert, CP1HQ
IARU liaison: Mario Iberkleid, CP1FF
Last updated: 23-Oct-2016
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Asocijacija Radioamatera u Bosni i Hercegovine [ARABiH],
Amateur Radio Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina [ARABiH]
Location: Dervisa Numica 6, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: P.O. Box 61, 71001 Sarajevo
Tel: +387 62 196 322 <HQ>, +387 61 184 585 <E74SL>
Email: o.… <HQ>, d.…… <E70A>
President: Svetozar Sasha Lisul, E74SL
Secretary: Senaid Pleh, E73PS
IARU liaison: Darko Rusman, E70A
Last updated: 29-May-2020
BOTSWANA Botswana Amateur Radio Society [BARS]
Email: re.… <A22LR>
President: Rene Lombard, A22LR
IARU Liaison:
Last updated: 26-Nov-2020 (mailing address temporarily removed)
BRAZIL Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissao [LABRE]
Location: Trecho-04, Lote-1A — Asa Sul 70200–004 Brasilia-DF
Address: Caixa postal 4, 70275–970 Brasilia-DF, Brazil
Tel: +55 (61) 3223–1157 <HQ>
Email: se… <HQ>, p.… <PT2FR>
President: Marcone R. Cerqueira, PY6MV
Executive Director: Eugenio Martinez, PY6MZ
IARU liaison: Francisco Jose de Queiroz, PT2FR
Last updated: 26-Aug-2020
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS British Virgin Islands Radio League [BVIRL]
Address: P.O. Box 409, Cruz Bay, St. John 0083
Tel: +1 (284) 496‑8992
Vice President: Arthur Swain, VP2VA
Last updated: 29-Oct-2008
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association [BDARA]
Address: PO Box 849 MPC Old Airport, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3577, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: +673 866‑9017 <HQ>
Email: v.… <V85TL>
President: Mej(B) Haji Tamat Bin Hj Lampoh, V85T
Advisor: Pg Haji Haris Bin Pg Hj Duraman
Vice President: Hj Abd Jamal Bin Hj Abd Rahman, V85AJK
Secretary General: Dk Aidah Binti Pg Hj Ahmad, V85AHV
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 28-Jan-2020
BULGARIA Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs [BFRA]
Location: Complex Lagera, Block 5, 1612 Sofia
Address: P.O. Box 830, BG-1000 Sofia
Tel: +359 897 949888 <LZ3NN>, +359 898 312372 <LZ1US>
Email: b.… <HQ>, l.… <LZ3NN>
President: Victor Tzenkov, LZ3NN
Secretary: Panayot Danev, LZ1US
IARU liaison: Panayot Danev, LZ1US
Last updated: 12-Oct-2020
BURKINA FASO Association des Radioamateurs du Burkina Faso [ARBF]
Address: PO Box 6397, Ouagadougou 01
Tel: +226 306923 <Alpha M. Diakite Kaba>
Email: hp.… <XT2HB>
President: Hugolin Pooda, XT2HB
Secretary: Alpha M. Diakite Kaba
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 24-Mar-2018
BURUNDI Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Television (ABART)
Address: 6564 Bujumbura
Tel: +257 79 627 440
Email: b…
President: Jean Claude Kamwenubusa
Secretary: Jean Nijimbere
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 20-Oct-2015
CAMEROUN Association des Radio Amateurs du Cameroun [ARTJ]
Address: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Postes et Telecom, B.P. 6132 Yaounde
Tel: +237 7781 3983 <TJ3NF>
Fax: +237 23 37 48
Email: f.…
President: Francois Kamgam, TJ1KF
IARU liaison: Florence Ntsiyep, TJ3NF
Last updated: 18-Jun-2014
CANADA Radio Amateurs of Canada [RAC]
Address: 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z5
Tel: +1 (613) 244‑4367 <HQ>
Fax: +1 (613) 244‑4369 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>, g.….… <VE3XRA>, v.….… <VA3WID>, int… <VA3SB>, t.… <Alan Griffin>
President: Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA
Secretary: Sukwan Widajat, VA3WID
Office Manager: Adam MacDonell
Director of Communications: Alan Griffin
IARU liaison: Serge Bertuzzo, VA3SB
Last updated: 19-Jan-2021
CAYMAN ISLANDS Cayman Amateur Radio Society [CARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1029 GT, KY1-1102 Grand Cayman
Tel: +1 (345) 323‑1192 <ZF2BR>, (345) 916‑3547 <ZF1EJ>, (345) 917‑6077 <ZF1DM>
Email: zf.… <ZF2BR>, <ZF1EJ>, d.… <ZF1DM>
President: Ray Boyce, ZF2BR
Secretary: Danny Mcllhagga, ZF1DM
IARU liaison: Andrew Eden, ZF1EJ
Last updated: 15-Mar-2017
CHILE Radio Club de Chile [RCCH]
Location: Nataniel Cox 1054, 8330996 Santiago
Address: P.O. Box 13630, Santiago 21
Tel: +56 (2) 2696–4707 <HQ>, +56 (2) 392‑1843 <CE3PG>
Fax: +56 (2) 392‑1444 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, g.… <CE3PG>
President: Galdino Besomi Sani, CE3PG
Secretary: Marisa Tobella, CE2MT
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 16-Jun-2014
CHINA Chinese Radio Amateurs Club [CRAC]
Location/Address: Bldg 15, #30 Shixing Dajie, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100041
Email: in…,ba… <Liaison>
Chairman: Mr. Li Haiqing, BA1HQ
Secretary General: Mr. Yin Hu, BD1AZ
IARU Liaison: Mr. Yongjian Sheng, BA1AJ
Last updated: 15-Jul-2021
CHINESE TAIPEI Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League [CTARL]
Location: 22F. No. 102, Chung Ping Road, Tao-Yuan City, 330 Taiwan
Address: P.O. Box 73, Taipei, Taipei City 10099, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886 4738–8746 <HQ>, +886 32209207 ext. 888 <BV2AI>
Fax: +886 4738–5441 <HQ>, +886 32202245 <BV2AI>
Email: h.… <HQ>, h.… <BX2AI>, b… <BV2FP>
Chairman: Yi-Chien Kuo, BV2AI
Secretary General: David Kao, BV2FP
IARU liaison: Huawei Su, BX2AI
Last updated: 3‑Aug-2016
COLOMBIA Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados [LCRA]
Address: P.O Box (Apartado Aéreo) 584, Bogotá D.C
Tel: +57 (315) 215 9667 <HQ>
Email: <HQ>, <HK3BED>, hk… <HK6O>
President: Arturo Afanador, HK3BED
Vice-President: Oscar Reyes, HK6O
IARU liaison: Oscar Reyes, HK6O
Last updated: 07-Apr-2024
CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Union des Radioamateurs du Congo [URAC]
Address: Université Marien, Ngouabi Campus, Numérique Francophone, Brazzaville
Tel: +242 636 7176 or +242 535 9489
Email: ma.… <TN5MM>
President: Mao Monguimet, TN5MM
Secretary-General: Ulysse Yinda
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 16-Dec-2016
COSTA RICA Radio Club de Costa Rica [RCCR]
Address: P.O. Box 2412–1000, San Jose
Tel: +506 2280 7855 <HQ>, +506 7110 2600 <TI2HAS>
Email: ia.… <HQ>, ti.… <TI2HAS>
President: Hugo Soto Vargas, TI2HAS
Secretary: Adrian Mainieri, TI2LCO
IARU liaison: Roberto Feigenblatt, TI2RF
Last updated: 23-Apr-2024
COTE D’IVOIRE Association Des Radio Amateurs Ivoiriens (ARAI)
Address: 01 PO Box 2946, Abidjan 01
Tel: +225 57963469 & +225 07355583 <HQ>
Email: tu.… <HQ>, je.… <TU2OP>, t.… <TU2ZA>, tu… <TU2FQ>
President: Jean-Jacques Niava, TU2OP
Secretary: Joachim Kacou, TU2ZI
Vice President: Dodo Blé, TU2ZA
Vice president: Bodosse Joël, TU2FQ (DXpedition contact)
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 08-Jan-2018
CROATIA Hrvatski radio-amaterski savez [HRS]
Address: Dalmatinska 12, HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 (1) 4848759 <HQ>
Fax: +385 (1) 4848763 <HQ>,
Email: h.… <HQ>
President: Rolando Milin, 9A3MR
Secretary: Marija Soric, 9A6PAX
IARU liaison: Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY
Last updated: 4‑Dec-2023
CUBA Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba [FRC]
Location: Calle Paseo #611, entre 25 y 27, Plaza de la Revolucion, La Habana CP 10600
Address: P.O. Box 1, Habana 10100
Tel: +53 (7) 833 4811 & 830 2223
Email: pr.… <CO2TZ>, co.… <CO2RCH>, ed.… <CO2BK>
President: Iraldis Vidal Avila, CO2TZ
Vice President: Reniel Horta Morejon, CO2RCH
Secretary-General: Roberto Ibarra Aguilera, CO2KL
Frcuba Webside Editor: Luis E. Estrada Hernandez, CO2BK
Last updated: 11-Feb-2024
CURAÇAO, DUTCH CARIBBEAN Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek, in de Nederlandse Antillen [VERONA]
Address: P.O. Box 3383, Curaçao
Tel: +599 9 560 1818 <PJ2BR>
Email: p.… <PJ2BR>, c.…… <PJ2CFM>
President: Brett Ruiz, PJ2BR
Secretary: Castro Mercalina, PJ2CFM
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 14-Nov-2016
CYPRUS Cyprus Amateur Radio Society [CARS]
Address: P.O. Box 25017, 1306 Nicosia
Tel: +357 (99) 610855 <5B4AHZ>,
Email: c.… <HQ>
President: Nestor Jacovides, 5B4AHZ
Secretary: Georgios Georgiou, 5B4SD
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 21-Dec-2018
CZECH REPUBLIC Cesky Radioklub [CRK], Czech Radio Club [CRC]
Location: U. Pergamenky 3, CZ-17000 Praha 7
Tel: +420 (2) 66722240 <HQ>, +420 603 480 090 <OK1MP>
Email: c.… <HQ>, o.… <OK1MP>, s.… <OK1RI>
President: Jiri Sanda, OK1RI
Secretary: Mrs. Libuse Kocianova, OK1LYL
IARU liaison: Milos Prostecky, OK1MP
Last updated: 12-Dec-2021
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Association des Radio Amateurs du Congo [ARAC], Amateur Radio Association of D.R. Congo
Location: CNFPT, No 1 Av Colonel Ebeya, Gombe
Address: P.O. Box 2049, Kinshasa 1
Tel: +243 9986 93940
Fax: +243 12 20686
Email: a.… <9Q1KS>
President: Robert Ekaya, 9Q1RE
Secretary: Hermes Mbenga, 9Q1HM
IARU liaison: Cyprien Kahundira V., 9Q1KS
Last updated: 12-Nov-2016
DENMARK Experimenterende Danske Radioamatoerer [EDR]
Address: Klokkestoebervej 11, DK-5230 Odense M
Tel: +45 6615 6511 <HQ>
Fax: +45 6615 6598 <HQ>
Email: k.… <HQ>, f.… <OZ4VW>, o.… <OZ7IS>
President: Arne Fast Hansen, OZ4VW
Vice President: Lars Henneberg-Jacobsen, OZ1HPS
Secretary: Michael Wehnert, OZ5WU
IARU Liaison: Ivan Stauning, OZ7IS
Last updated: 12-Jan-2023
DJIBOUTI Association des Radioamateurs de Djibouti [ARAD]
Address: P.O. Box 1076, Djibouti
Tel: +253 352490 <HQ>
Fax: +253 355757 <HQ>
President: Mohamed Omar Moussa, J28AP
Secretary: Fred Achoun, J28FA
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 23-Aug-2006
DOMINICA Dominica Amateur Radio Club Inc. [DARCI]
Location: Canefield East Housing Scheme
Address: P.O. Box 613, Roseau
Email: cl.…
President: Pierre-Louis Clement, J73CPL
Last updated: 03-Mar-2017
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Club Dominicano [RCD]
Address: P.O. Box 1157, Santo Domingo
Tel: +1 (829) 954‑4444
Email:r.… <HQ> h.… <HQ>, hi… <HI8VRS> hi.… <HI8RD>
President: Hugo Ramon Sanchez, HI8VRS
Secretary: Victor Manuel Báez Ramírez, HI8V
IARU liaison: Rigoberto Diaz, HI8RD
Last updated: 03-Nov-2023
ECUADOR Guayaquil Radio Club [GRC]
Address: P.O. Box 09–01-5757, Guayaquil
Tel: +593 999 484–680 <HC2BP>, +593 999 781–547 <HC2ZN>
Email: h.… <HQ>, l.… <HC2BP>
President: Lorenzo Lertora, HC2BP
Secretary: Erwin Maenz, HC2ZN
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 01-Oct-2015
EGYPT Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society for Development [ERASD]
Address: P.O. Box 190, New Ramsis Center, 11794 Cairo
Tel: +20 (20) 12 270 14657 <SU1SK>, (20) 12 760 02472 <SU1AR> Email:a.… <SU1TA> ‚s.… <SU1SK>, s.… <SU1HM>
President: Tarek Abdulah, SU1TA
Secretary: Said Kamel, SU1SK
IARU liaison: Hossam El Shenawy, SU1HM
Last updated: 12-Jan-2023
EL SALVADOR Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador [CRAS]
Location: Calle 1, No. 5‑C, Urbanizacion Lomas de San Francisco, San Salvador
Address: PO Box CC-517, San Salvador
Tel: +503 248 3905 <HQ>, (503) 2288–9087 <YS1MS>
Fax: +503 248 3906 <HQ>
Email: c.… <HQ>, j.….….… <YS1MS>, lo… <YS1RS>
President: Jose Arturo Molina, YS1MS
Secretary: Noe Federico Lopez, YS1FP
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 22-Mar-2023
ESTONIA Eesti Raadioamatooride Uhing [ERAU], Estonian Radioamateurs Union
Address: Sakala 14, Tallinn 10141, Estonia
Tel: +372 56 243369 , +372 50 94900
Email: e.… <HQ>, es.… <ES2MC>
Chairman: Arvo Pihl, ES2MC
Vice Chairman: Argo Laanemaa, ES6QC
IARU liaison: Chairman
Last updated: 28-Nov-2024
ESWATINI Radio Society of Eswatini [RSE]
Email: 3d.…. <3DA0VV>, an.… <3DA0TM>
Chairman and President: Vincent Molloy, 3DA0VV
Secretary: Andy Cory, 3DA0TM
IARU liaison: Chairman
Last updated: 18-May-2020
ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society [EARS]
Address: King George VI St, Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 921 149800 / +251 913 703039
Email: cl.….…
President: Getnet Zeleke (Getu), KB3WWU
Secretary: Nigatu Abera
IARU liaison: Tsegaye Atsbaha, KB3WWJ
Last updated: 06-Nov-2022
FAROE ISLANDS Føroyskir Radioamatørar [FRA]
Address: Yvir við strond 20, FO-100 Tórshavn <OY6FRA>
Tel: +298 585947 <OY1R>
Email: fr…
President: Òlavur Fredriksen <OY1OF>
Secretary: Regin Nicolajsen <OY1R>
IARU Liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 25-Jun-2018
FIJI Fiji Association of Radio Amateurs [FARA]
Address: PO Box 10842, Laucala Beach Estate, Via Suva
Tel: +679 921 8354 <3D2AG>
Email: ny.… <3D2AG>
Acting President and IARU liaison: Antoine N’Yeurt, 3D2AG
Last updated: 08-Dec-2018
FINLAND Suomen Radioamatooriliitto [SRAL], Finnish Amateur Radio League
Address: Kaupinmaenpolku 9, FI-00440 Helsinki
Tel: +358 (9) 562‑5973 <HQ>, +358 (40) 5483351 <OH2BQZ>
Email: t.… <HQ>, oh.… <OH2BQZ>
Chairman: Henri Olander, OH3JR o.…
IARU liaison: Markku Toijala, OH2BQZ
Last updated: 01-Feb-2023
FRANCE Reseau des Emetteurs Francais [REF]
Location: 32 Rue de Suede, F‑37100 Tours
Address: P.O. Box 77429, F‑37074 Tours Cedex 2
Tel: +33 (2) 4741–8873 <HQ>
Email: ia…@r‑ <HQ>, pr.…@r‑ <F4GDI>, se.…@r‑<F5RQQ>, f.…<F5DJL>
Web: http://www.r‑
President: Christine Carreau, F4GDI
Secretary: Jean-Marc Vigier, F5RQQ
IARU liaison: Jean-Louis Truquet, F5DJL
Last updated: 27-October-2024
FRENCH POLYNESIA Club Oceanien de Radio et d’Astronomie [CORA]
Address: P.O. Box 5006, Pirae 98716, Tahiti
Tel: +689 436258/412525 <FO5EC>, 412923/425025 <FO4NR>
Fax: +689 412723 <FO4NR>
President: Charles Trondle, FO5BL
Secretary: Alain Portal, FO5EC
IARU liaison: Richard Slavov, FO4NR
Last updated: 09-Mar-2003
GABON Association Gabonaise des Radio-Amateurs [AGRA]
Address: P.O. Box 1826, Libreville
Tel: +241 730154 <TR8CA>, 702303 <TR8JCV>, 733100 <TR8NOR>
Fax: +241 702425
Email: t.…, or t.… <TR8CA>
President: Alain Combeuis, TR8CA
Secretary: Romuald Nang Otogo, TR8NOR
IARU liaison: Jean-Claude Villard, TR8JCV
Last updated: 23-Aug-2006
GAMBIA Radio Society of The Gambia [RSTG]
Last updated: 9‑Mar-2003
GEORGIA National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia [NARG]
Address: Agamashenebeli Av. 70, Tbilisi 0102
Tel: +995 99 563184 <HQ>, +995 32 2963184 <HQ>
Email: m.…
President: Mamuka Kordzakhia, 4L2M
Secretary: David Devdariani, 4L1DA
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 22-Apr-2015
GERMANY Deutscher Amateur Radio Club [DARC]
Address: Lindenallee 4, 34225 Baunatal
Tel: +49 (561) 949880 <HQ>
Fax: +49 (561) 9498850 <HQ>
Email: d.… <HQ>, d.… <DJ3HW>, dl.… <DL3MBG>
President: Christian Entsfellner, DL3MBG
Acting Secretary: Jens Hergert
IARU liaison: Hans-Joerg Jaehrig, DJ3HW
Last updated: 24-Jan-2020
GHANA Ghana Amateur Radio Society [GARS]
Address: P.O. Box 3936, Accra
Tel: +233 (21) 667923 <Samir Nassar>
Secretary: Samir Nassar, 9G1NS
Last updated: 09-Oct-2006
GIBRALTAR Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society [GARS]
Location: 21 Coaling Island Road, Gibraltar, Post Code GX11 1AA
Address: P.O. Box 292, Gibraltar, Post Code GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 79808 <HQ>
Email: zb.… <ZB2B>, jo.… <ZB2JK>
President: Ronald Pincho, ZB2B
Secretary: John King, ZB2JK
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 01-Jul-2017
GREECE Radio Amateur Association of Greece [RAAG]
Location: 42 Pavlou Mela St., 1st floor, GR-12131, Athens
Address: P.O. Box 42001, GR-121 01 Peristeri, Athens
Tel: +30 (210) 522‑6516 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>,m.… <SV1IW>, sv.… <SV1IYA>, sv… <SV8YM>
President: Manos Darkadakis, SV1IW
Secretary: Christos Kougioumtzoglou, SV1IYA
IARU liaison: Tasos Thomaidis, SV8YM
Last updated: 12-Apr-2024
GRENADA Grenada Amateur Radio Club [GARC]
Address: P.O. Box 737, St. George’s
Email: g.…
President: Reuben Pursoo, J39DE
Secretary: Allan Budahall, J39BK
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 01-Mar-2015
GUATEMALA Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala [CRAG]
Location: Local 117, 3rd Floor, Centro Comercial Super Centro Molino, Calzada Roosevelt, Km. 15, Zona 11, G.C.
Address: P.O. Box 115, Guatemala City 01901
Tel: +502 2435 4141 <HQ>
Email: tg.… <HQ>
President: Christian Flores, TG9AFX
Secretary: Jaime Santisteban, TG9ASB
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 02-Sep-2019
GUINEA Association des Radioamateurs de Guinea [ARGUI]
Address: 4 Bd de la Republique, BP 4840, Conakry, Rep. de Guinea
Tel: +224 11 21 47 21
Fax: +224 41 20 00
Email: m.…
President: Mr. Mamadou Dioulde Sow
Vice President: Mr. Bah Ahmadou
Secretary: Mr. Malan Manet
IARU Liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 01-Jun-2005
GUYANA Guyana Amateur Radio Association [GARA] Membership Rights Temporarily Suspended
HAITI Radio Club d’Haiti [RCH]
Address: P.O. Box 1484, Port-au-Prince
Tel: +509 257‑5179 <HQ>, +509 257‑6203 <HH2JR>
Fax: +509 257‑4925 <HQ>
Email: h.…
President: Jean-Robert Gaillard, HH2JR
Vice President: David Farquharson, HH2QCS
Secretary: Pierrick Madsen, HH2MK
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 01-Mar-2015
HONDURAS Radio Club de Honduras [RCH]
Location: Col. Prado Alto, Boulevard del Sur, costado sur Cuerpo de Bomberos
Address: P.O. Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortes 21105
Cell: +(504)9991–14-17 <HR2HR2PQ>, +(504)9994–31-35 <HR2CG>, +(504)9809–13-38 <HQ2HDC>
Email: h.… <HQ>,
President: Juan Pablo Soto, HR2PQ
Vice President: Carlos Galo, HR2CG
Secretary: Humberto David Calderon, HQ2HDC
IARU liaison: Norma Leticia Leiva, HR2N
Last updated: 24-Feb-2024
HONG KONG, CHINA Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society [HARTS]
Location: HARTS Communication Support Services Centre, 429 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Address: G.P.O. Box 541, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 9242–1601
Email: i.…<HQ>
President: Rudy Wong, VR2USP
Vice President: C. H. Ho, VR2YPK
Secretary: Andrew Woo, VR2UAW
IARU Liaison: Andrew Cheong, VR2XXC
Last updated: 17-Sept-2024
HUNGARY Magyar Radioamator Szovetseg [MRASZ], Hungarian Radio Amateur Society
Location: Kiralyhelmec u. 9, H‑1037 Budapest
Address: Kiralyhelmec u. 9, H‑1037 Budapest
Tel: +36 (1) 287‑9634 <HQ>
Email: m.… <HQ>, c.…<HA3LN>
President: Csaba Molnar, HA6PX
Secretary: Laszlo Weisz, HA3NU
IARU liaison: Csaba Nagy, HA3LN
Last updated: 5‑May-2022
ICELAND Islenzkir Radioamatorar [IRA]
Address: P.O. Box 1058, IS-121 Reykjavik
Tel: +354 8980559 <TF3JB>
Email: <HQ>, j.… <TF3JB>, k… <TF3KB>
President: Jónas Bjarnason, TF3JB
Secretary: Georg Kulp, TF3GZ
IARU liaison: Kristján Benediktsson, TF3KB
Last updated: 14-Apr-2024
INDIA Amateur Radio Society of India [ARSI]
Address: c/o Linux Learning Centre Private Limited, 635, 6th Main Road, Next to Bank of India, Hanumanthnagar, Bangalore 560019
Tel: +91 (80) 22428538 <HQ>, +91 9845057731 <VU2LU>, +91 9448490465 <VU2GGM>
Email: pr.… <president>, se.… <secretary>
President: Ramesh Kumar, VU2LU
Secretary: Govind Girimaji, VU2GGM
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 02-Nov-2020
INDONESIA Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia [ORARI]
Address: Jl. Terusan Rasuna Said 20
Kuningan Barat — Mampant Prapatan
Jakarta Selatan
Indonesia — 12710
Tel: +62 (215) 296 3223 <HQ>
WA: +62811977700 <HQ>
Email: sek.… <HQ>
President: Donny Imam Priambodo, YB0DX
Secretary: Yusuf Budhyanto, YB3DY
IARU liaison: Udiansyah, YB0SSF
Last updated: 08-Mar-2022
IRAQ Iraqi Amateur Radio Society [IARS]
Location: Scientific Care Building, Damascus St., Baghdad
Address: P.O. Box 55072, Baghdad 12001
Tel: +964 7901213017 <YI1MAR>, +964 7901398249 <YI1DZ>
Email: ia… <HQ>, y… <YI1MAR>, y… < YI1QEA >, y… <YI1DZ>
President: Mazin Abdulatif Radwan, YI1MAR
Secretary: Qusay Ismaiel AlFardhi, YI1QEA
IARU Liaison: Diya ALAsada, YI1DZ
Last updated: 31-Jan-2023
IRELAND Irish Radio Transmitters Society [IRTS]
Address: P.O. Box 462, Dublin 9
Email: i.… <HQ>, e.… <EI2IP>, ei.… <EI2II>, i.… <EI4GGB>
President: Enda Broderick, EI2II
Secretary: Owen O’Reilly, EI4GGB
IARU liaison: Robbie Phelan, EI2IP
Last updated: 10-Dec-2023
ISRAEL Israel Amateur Radio Club [IARC]
Location: Alpert 3, Yahud 56214
Address: P.O. Box 17600, Tel-Aviv 61176
Tel: +972 (50) 5207273
Email: in…
President: David Ben Basat 4X1WH
Chairman: Dan Katzman, 4Z5SL
Vice Chairman: Dov Gavish, 4Z4DX
Secretary: Avri Dotan, 4X1YV
IARU Liaison & Spokesman: Eyal Raskin M.D., 4X1RE
Last updated: 28-May-2024
ITALY Associazione Radioamatori Italiani [ARI]
Address: Via Scarlatti 30, I‑20124 Milano
Tel: +39 (02) 6692192 <HQ>
Fax: +39 (02) 36593088 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, i.… <IZ4EFN>, i.… <IK2RLS>
President: Alessio Sacchi, IZ4EFN
Secretary General: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
IARU liaison: Saverio Amore, IK2RLS
Last updated: 05-Aug-2022
JAMAICA Jamaica Amateur Radio Association [JARA]
Location: 76 Arnold Road, Kingston 5
Address: PO Box 214, Kingston 20
Tel: (876) 995‑1424 <6Y5DB>, (876) 856‑2213 <6Y5HN>
Email: ba.… <6Y5DB>, ni.… <6Y5HN>
President: Nigel Hoyow, 6Y5HN
Treasurer: Basil C. Davidson, 6Y5DB
IARU liaison: Treasurer
Last updated: 19-May-2021
JAPAN Japan Amateur Radio League [JARL]
Location: Otsuka HT Bldg., 43–1 Minamiotsuka 3‑chome, Toshima, Tokyo 170‑8073
Mailing Address: JARL Tokyo 170‑8073, JAPAN
Tel: +81 (3) 3988–8753, (3) 3988–8745 <HQ>
Fax: +81 (3) 3988–8772 <HQ> <HQ>,
President: Koji Morita, JA5SUD
Vice President: Tokimasa Kimura, JA2HDE
Vice President: Takeshi Mitsui, JA8DKJ
IARU liaison:
Last updated: 23-Jun-2024
JORDAN Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society [RJRAS]
Address: P.O. Box 2353, Amman 11181
Tel: +962 (6) 5167900 <HQ>
Fax: +962 (6) 5167901 <HQ>
Email: r.…
President: H.R.H. Prince Raad Bin Zeid, JY2RZ
Last updated: 11-May-2009
KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosports and Radioamateur [KFRR]
Location: Taskesken str, 98, 010000 Astana City
Address: PO Box 88, 010000 Astana
Tel: +7 7172 539848 <HQ>
Fax: +7 7172 539848 <HQ>
Email: u.… <HQ>, u.…
Chairman: Seitkul Assaubay, UN7ZA
Secretary: Zharylgasyn Aidana Armankyzy, UN7ZAL
IARU liaison: Chairman
Last updated: 16-Mar-2021
KENYA Radio Society of Kenya [RSK]
Location: Joseph Kangethe Road, Woodley Estate, Nairobi County
Address: P.O. Box 45681, Nairobi-00100
Tel: +254 0729 473 917, +254 722 822 480
Email: sec.… <Secretary>, a.… <5Z4VJ>
Chairman: David Mutonga, 5Z4DJ
Vice Chairperson: Kamweti wa Mutu, 5Z4BV
Secretary: Gitonga M’Mbijjewe, 5Z4ZT
IARU liaison: Andy Chadwick, 5Z4VJ
Last updated: 26-Oct-2024
KOSOVO Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves [SHRAK]
Address: Universiteti i Prishtinës
Fakulteti i InxhinierisëElektrike dhe Kompjuterike
(Ndertesa e laboratoreve)
Bregu i Diellit, p.n. 10000 Prishtinë Republika e Kosovës
Tel: +381 (0) 38 551 234
Email: v.…
President: Vjollca Belegu-Caka
Secretary: Fehmi Bojniku
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 29-May-2018
KUWAIT Kuwait Amateur Radio Society [KARS]
Location: Block No. 2, Street No. 12, Building No. 2, Al Surra
Address: P.O. Box 5240, Safat 13053
Tel: +965 533‑3762 <HQ>
Fax: +965 531‑1188 <HQ>
Email: 9.…
Chairman: Ahmed Alholy, 9K2DB (Acting)
Vice President: Ahmed Alholy, 9K2DB
General Secretary: Bader Alduwaisan, 9K2RS
IARU liaison: Acting Chairman
Last updated: 19-Jul-2021
KYRGYZSTAN Amateur Radio Union of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARUKR)
Address: P.O. Box 745, Bishkek 720017
Email: br… <EX7DY>, ex.… <EX0DX>
Chairman of the Board: Dmitry Sentemov, EX7DY
IARU Liaison: Andrea Bianchi, EX0DX
Last updated: 12-Jun-2021
LATVIA Latvijas Radioamatieru Liga [LRAL]
Location: Vienibas street 7–1b, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Address: P.O. Box 40, LV-1010 Riga
Tel: +371 25888861 <YL3MS>
Email: l.… <HQ>
Chairman: Arvis Soldans, YL3MS
Deputy Chairman: Kristers Misa, YL3JA
Secretary: Miks Apinis, YL2GY
IARU liaison: Chairman
Last updated: 22-November-2024
LEBANON Radio Amateurs of Lebanon [RAL]
Address: P.O. Box 11–8888, Beirut
Tel: +961 70 970922 <OD5TE>, +961 3 633022 <OD5RI>
Email: r.… <HQ>, o.… <OD5RI>, o.… <OD5RW>
President: Hani Raad, OD5TE
Secretary: Riri Azrak, OD5RI
IARU liaison: John Gibran, OD5RW
Last updated: 13-June-2013
LESOTHO Lesotho Amateur Radio Society [LARS]
Address: P.O. Box 4307, Maseru 104
Tel: +266 630 17917
Fax: +266 223 10358
Email: 7.… <7P8MS>, l.… <Leon Tromp>
President: Leon Tromp
Secretary: Martin Stockdale, 7P8MS
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 23-Feb-2005
LIBERIA Liberia Radio Amateur Association [LRAA]
Address: c/o I. Richmond Harding, 641 Clifton Ave. Ext., Jacksonville, FL 32211 USA
Tel: +231 880 438 223 <EL2BG>, +1 (916) 706 5550 <EL2BG>
Fax: +1 (904) 379 0057 <EL2BG>
Email: e… <EL2BG>, k.….… <EL2BG>
President: Richmond Harding, EL2BG
Secretary: Amos Z. Benjamin, EL2AB
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 23-jun-2014
LIBYA Libyan Communications Amateur Society (LCAS)
Tel: +218912130766
Email: lc… <HQ>, ma.… <5A21MB>, mu.… < IARU liaison >
President: Majed Mustafa m Bensreti, 5A21MB
IARU liaison: Mustafa Majed Bensreti
Last updated: 10‑Feb-2025
LIECHTENSTEIN Amateurfunk Verein Liechtenstein [AFVL]
Address: P.O. Box 222, FL-9495 Triesen
Email: c.… <HQ>
Chairman: Alois Buechel, HB0AB
Secretary: Waldemar Ruetimann, HB0WR
IARU liaison: Peter Ritzer, HB0PR
Last updated: 23-Feb-2024
LITHUANIA Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija [LRMD], Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society
Address: P.O. Box 1000, LT-01014 Vilnius‑1
Tel: +370 (657) 57373
Email: h.… <HQ>
President: Valerijus Simulik, LY2QT
Secretary: Saulius Dreinius, LY1VP
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 22-Jun-2022
LUXEMBOURG Radioamateurs du Luxembourg [RL]
Address: PO Box 1352, L‑1013 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
President: Michel Friederich, LX1KQ
Secretary: Neckel Reuland, LX1NR
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 12-Dec-2021
MACAU Associacao dos Radioamadores de Macau [ARM]
Address: Box 6018, Macau SAR, China
Tel: +853 6881515
Fax: +853 880120
Email: a.…
President: Savio Leong, XX9BB
Secretary: Tsang Hing Bun, XX9BH
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 15-Dec-2009
MALAYSIA Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters’ Society [MARTS]
Address: P.O. Box 10777, 50724 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 (19) 3331416 <9M2IR>, +60 (16) 2750246 <9M2CJ>
Email: p.… <9M2IR>, s.… <9M2PRO>
President: Mohd Aris Bin Bernawi, 9M2IR
Secretary: Zanirul Akhmal Bin Zanirun, 9M2PRO
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 22-Jun-2015
MALI Club des Radioamateurs et Affilies du Mali [CRAM]
Address: P.O. Box 9A, Kati, MALI
Tel: +223 227 21 14
Fax: +223 227 21 14
Email: m.… <TZ6AMT>, c.… <TZ6HY>
President: Hamadoun Yattara, TZ6HY
Secretary: Amadou Madany Tall, TZ6AMT
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 24-Nov-2016
MALTA Malta Amateur Radio League [MARL]
Address: Mdina Road, Attard ATD 9036
Tel: 00356 99809750 <9H1GW>
Email: 9.… <HQ>
President: Fortunato Bonnici, 9H1ES
Secretary: Emmanuel Grech, 9H1GW
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 02-Apr-2024
MAURITIUS Mauritius Amateur Radio Society [MARS]
Location: #6 Shastri Road, Candos, Quatre-Bornes
Address: P.O. Box 104, Quatre Bornes
Tel: +230 5729 8123 <3B8DU>, +230 5774 0162 <3B8BBD>
Email: 3.… <3B8MARS>
President: Jean Marc Momple, 3B8DU
Secretary: Vickram Mungul, 3B8HJ
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 29-Jan-2023
MEXICO Federación Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores [FMRE]
Location: Molinos No. 51 despacho 307–308, Col. Mixcoac, Benito Juarez, 03910 Mexico, D.F.
Address: P.O. Box 907, 06000 Mexico, D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5563–1405 <HQ>
Fax: +52 (55) 5563–1405 <HQ>
Email: xe.… <XE1EW>
President: Jesus Sarmiento, XE1EW
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 20-Octl-2024
MOLDOVA Asociatia Radioamatorilor din Republica Moldova [ARM]
Address: P.O. Box 1414, MD-2043 Kishinev
Tel: +373 67157388 <ER1FF>
Email: e.… <ER1FF>, e.… <ER1FF>, v.… <ER1BF>
President: Alexey Borets, ER1FF
Vice President: Valery Gribincea, ER1BF
Secretary: Maxim Guzun ER1MAX
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 1‑Sept-2023
MONACO Association des Radio-Amateurs de Monaco [ARM]
Address: P.O. Box 2, MC-98001 Monaco Cedex
Tel: +377 (93) 254727 <HQ>, +377 (93) 309752 <3A2CR>, +377 (93) 303498 <3A2LF>
Email: c.…
President: Robert Scarlot, 3A2CR
Secretary: Claude Passet, 3A2LF
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 10-Dec-2016
MONGOLIA Mongolian Radio Sports Federation [MRSF]
Address: PO Box 573, Ulaanbaatar 16092, Mongolia
Tel/Fax: +976 11 366376
Email: m.… <HQ>, j.… <JT1CS>
President: Batjargal Jamiyan
Secretary: Bat-Erdene Zevgee, JT1CS
IARU Liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 22-Mar-2024
MONTENEGRO Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool [MARP]
Address: Ratisevina bb, 85347 Igalo
Tel: +382 67 372 273 <4O9TTT>, +382 68 300 000 <4O3A>
Email: <HQ>, m.… <4O9TTT>, 4.….@t‑ <4O3A>
President: Marko Tomašević, 4O9TTT
IARU Liaison: Ranko Boca, 4O3A
Last updated: 25-April-2018
MONTSERRAT Montserrat Amateur Radio Society [MARS]
Address: P.O. Box 448, Brades, Montserrat MSR 1110
Tel: +664 491‑2077 & +664 495‑0745 <VP2MQ>
Email: j.…
President: Victor James, VP2MQ
Secretary: Rudolph Christopher, VP2MRC
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 10-Feb-2015
MOROCCO Association Royale des Radioamateurs du Maroc [ARRAM]
Location: 274, Rue Rouifia Ben Thabit, Aviation Soussi, Rabat
Address: P.O. Box 299, Rabat
Tel: +212 537 67 37 03 <HQ>
Fax: +212 537 67 47 57 <HQ>
Email: ar.… <HQ>, ar.… <CN8HAN>
President: Housni Benslimane, CN8BE
Secretary: Ahmed El Bachar, CN8EG
IARU liaison: Hassan Nacer, CN8HAN
Last updated: 19-Jul-2017
MOZAMBIQUE Liga de Radioamadores de Mocambique [LRM]
Address: P.O. Box 25, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 30 41 07
President: Anselmo Ferrao, C91D
Secretary: Vacant
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 22-SEPT-2022
MYANMAR Burma Amateur Radio Transmitting Society [BARTS]
In Calendar No. 189 dated 17 March 2010 the IARU Administrative Council solicited evidence that the Burma Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (BARTS) still exists. No evidence of its continued existence was received. In accordance with Administrative Council Resolution 09–1 (Revised 2010), BARTS has been determined to no longer to exist. Any association of radio amateurs claiming to represent Myanmar shall be required to apply for membership in accordance with the IARU Constitution and Bylaws.
NAMIBIA Namibian Amateur Radio League [NARL]
Address: P.O. Box 1100, Windhoek 10005
Tel: +264 (81) 124 0348 <V51JP>
Email: mu.… <V51JP>
President: Werner Muller, V51JP
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 11-Sep-2019
NETHERLANDS Vereniging voor Experimenteel , Radio Onderzoek in Nederland [VERON]
Location: Simon Stevinweg 12, Arnhem
Address: PO Box 1166, 6801 BD Arnhem
Tel: +31 6 39668309 <HQ>
Email: s.… <PA2LO>, <VERON Central Bureau>, voor.… <PA0AGF>
President: Remy Denker, PA0AGF
Secretary: Gert van Loo, PA2LO
IARU liaison: President and Secretary
Last updated: 20-Apr-2024
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (See Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean)
NEW CALEDONIA Association des Radio-Amateurs, de Nouvelle-Caledonie [ARANC]
Address: P.O. Box 3956, Noumea 98847
Tel: +687 271563 <FK8GM>
Fax: +687 271563 <FK8GM>
Email: e.… <FK8GM>
President: Jean-Philippe Torregrossa, FK8FK
Secretary: Georges Toroti, FK8FSo
IARU Liaison: Eric Esposito, FK8GM
Last updated: 09-Mar-2003
NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters [NZART]
Location: 1/15 Geange Street Upper Hutt 5018
Address: P.O. Box 40–525, Upper Hutt 5140
Tel: +64 (4) 939 2189 <HQ>
Email: nz.… <HQ>
President: Daniel Vandenberg, ZL2DRV
Secretary: Debby Morgan, ZL2DL
IARU liaison: Don Wallace, ZL2TLL
Last updated: 04-Feb-2025
NICARAGUA Club de Radio-Experimentadores de Nicaragua [CREN]
Address: P.O. Box 925, Managua
Tel: +505 (2) 2266–9308 <HQ>
Fax: +505 (2) 2266–9308 <HQ>, +505 (2) 86817400 <Cell>
Email: c.… <HQ>
President: Juan de la Cruz Rodriguez, YN1J
Secretary: Melania Calero, YN1ZMC / Winston Flores Lopez, YN1ZWF
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 19-Nov-2012
NIGERIA Nigeria Amateur Radio Society [NARS]
Location: 5, 6921A Road, Gwarinpa Housing Estate
Address: PO Box 7502 Wuse, Zone 3, 90003, Abuja, F.C.T
Tel: +234 (09) 6725612 <HQ>, +234 08037877003 <5N0MBT>
Fax: +234 (09) 6725612 <HQ>
Email: t.… <5N7MBT>
President: Muhammadu B. Tunau, 5N7MBT
Last updated: 6‑Oct-2018
NORTH MACEDONIA Radioamaterski Sojuz na Makedonija [RSM], Radioamateur Society of Macedonia
Location: Gradski zid blok 5, 1000 Skopje
Address: P.O. Box 477, 1000 Skopje
Email: z3… <z31rm>, ra.… <HQ>
Web: <Z37RSM>
President: Djoko Djordjevic, Z35U
IARU liaison: Todorovski Todor, Z31RM
Last updated: 5‑May-2023
NORWAY Norsk Radio Relae Liga [NRRL]
Location: Nedre Rommen 5 E, N‑0988 Oslo 9
Address: P.O. Box 20, Haugenstua, N‑0915 Oslo
Tel: +47 (22) 213790 <HQ>,
Email: n.… <HQ>, l.… <LA3PNA>, o.… <LA2RR>
President: Thomas Knutsen, LA3PNA
IARU liaison: Ole Garpestad, LA2RR
Last updated: 1‑Aug-2023
OMAN The Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society [ROARS]
Address: P.O. Box 981, Muscat, Postal Code 100
Tel: +968 24597544 <HQ>
Fax: +968 24594377 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>
Chairman: H.E. Dr. Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Futhaisi
Secretary General: Brig. General Abdulrazak Al Shahwarzi,
IARU liaison: Abdalla Darwish Al Qasmi, A41KB
Last updated: 30-Nov-2016
PAKISTAN Pakistan Amateur Radio Society [PARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1450, Islamabad 44000
Tel: +92 (51) 2875099 & 2876077 <HQ>, +923005230052 <AP2NK>, 0333–5572143 <AP2MAT>, +9230068841014 <AP2AJM>
Fax: +92 (51) 2827581 <HQ>
Email: a.… <AP2NK>, ta.… <AP2MAT>, mu.… <AP2AJM>
President: Nasir Khan, AP2NK
Secretary: Muhammad Ahmad Tariq Fani, AP2MAT
IARU liaison: Mubeen Ajmal, AP2AJM
Last updated: 19-Sep-2021
PANAMA Liga Panamena de Radioaficionados [LPRA]
Location: Avenida Principal Changuinola, Provincia de Bocas del Toro, Panama
Address: PO Box 0834–00175, Panama, Republic of Panama
Tel: +507 6480–9757 <HP4BQS>, +507 6538–4620 <HP8AJT>
Email: p… <HP4BQS>
President: Dowgert Sabin, HP4BQS
Secretary: Mercedez Zarza Villa, HP9AZM
IARU liaison: Vacant
Last updated: 02-Nov-2021
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society [PNGARS]
In Calendar No. 189 dated 17 March 2010 the IARU Administrative Council solicited evidence that the Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society (PNGARS) still exists. No evidence of its continued existence was received. In accordance with Administrative Council Resolution 09–1 (Revised 2010), PNGARS has been determined no longer to exist. Any association of radio amateurs claiming to represent Papua New Guinea shall be required to apply for membership in accordance with the IARU Constitution and Bylaws.
PARAGUAY Radio Club Paraguayo [RCP]
Location: Humaita 1057, Asuncion 1131
Address: P.O. Box 512, Asuncion 1209
Tel: +595 (21) 446124 <HQ>, (21) 223069 <ZP5CGL>
Fax: +595 (21) 446124 <HQ>
Email: h.… <ZP5HSB>
President: Carlos Mereles Somers, ZP5MSC
Secretary: Juan Carlos Villalba, ZP5VIA
IARU liaison: Hernando Bertoni, ZP5HSB
Last updated: 15-Nov-2016
PERU Radio Club Peruano [RCP]
Location: Av. Los Ruisenores Este 245, Urb. El Palomar, San Isidro, Lima 27
Address: P.O. Box 538, Lima 100
Tel: +51 (1) 224‑0860 <HQ>, +51 (1) 224‑2792
Email: oa… <HQ>, oa.… <OA4AMN>
President: Oscar Pancorvo Romero, OA4AMN
Vice President: David Torres Antenucci, OA4YZ
Secretary: Aurelio Piaggio Villavicencio,OA4AZV
IARU liaison: Oscar Pancorvo Romero, OA4AMN
Last updated: 12-Feb-2024
PHILIPPINES Philippine Amateur Radio Association [PARA]
Location: 5th Floor NTC Building, BIR Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Address: P.O. Box 1932, Quezon City Post Office, NIA Road, Diliman, 1100 Quezon City
Tel: +63 9171564715 <HQ>
Email: p.… <HQ>, c.… <DU1CHN>, d.…d.… <DU1SVY>
President & Chairman: Ramon O. Purugganan, DU1CHN
Vice President: Romeo Isidro, DU1SMQ
Secretary: Lawrence M. Atanacio, DU1SVY
IARU Liaison: Leo M. Almazan, DU3ZX
Last updated: 08-May-2024
PITCAIRN ISLAND Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association [PIARA]
Address: P.O. Box 88, Adamstown, Pitcairn Island, South Pacific Ocean via New Zealand
Tel: +81 423 71–5886 <VP6BK>
Fax: +81 423 89–3824 <VP6BK>
Email: ja.… <VP6BK>
President: Vacant
Secretary: Betty Christian, VP6YL
IARU liaison: Kan Mizoguchi, VP6BK, 4–5‑3 Sakuragaoka, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206‑0013, Japan
Last updated: 10-May-2019
POLAND Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow [PZK], Polish Amateur Radio Union
Location: ul. Wojska Polskiego 65 A, 85–825 Bydgoszcz
Address: P.O. Box 54, 85–613 Bydgoszcz 13
Tel: +48 52 391 37 31 <HQ>,
Fax: +48 52 372 16 15 <HQ>
Email: h.… <HQ>, sp.… <SP5E>, s.… <SQ5CKZ>
President: Krzysztof Horoszkiewicz, SP5E
Secretary: Cezary Zych, SQ5CKZ
IARU liaison: Pawel Zakrzewski, SP7TEV
Last updated: 15-May-2024
PORTUGAL Rede dos Emissores Portugueses [REP]
Address: Avenida Yasser Arafat n 4 loja A, 2700–375 Amadora
Tel: +351 213 461 186 <HQ>,
Fax: +351 213 420 448 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>, c.… <CT1END>
President: Jose Carlos Beato Nora, CT1END
Vice President: Jose Luis California Caldeira, CT2GOY
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 30-Jun-2019
QATAR Qatar Amateur Radio Society [QARS]
Location: 82 Suhaim Bin Hamad Rd., Doha
Address: P.O. Box 22122, Doha
Tel: +974 (4) 477911 <HQ>
Fax: +974 (4) 477955 <HQ>
Email: a.… <HQ>
President: H.E. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, A71AU
Secretary: Saba’an Musmar Al-Jassim, A71BP
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 6‑Feb-2023
REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) Korean Amateur Radio League [KARL]
Location: 2F KARL Building, 1584 Jungbu-daero, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Zip code 17144
Address: C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul , Korea
Tel: +82 (2) 575‑9580 <HQ>, +82 (31) 321‑2222
Fax: +82 (2) 576‑8574 <HQ>, +82 (31) 321‑8574
Email: hl.… <HQ>, ko.… <HL1IWD>
President: Choi Hyeong Moon, HL4CFN
Vice President: Kim Deok Hyeong, DS3BBC
Vice President: Kim Sang Kyu, DS4CSD
Vice President: Sa Gong Mun Sang, 6K5SUH
Secretary: Park, Yeong-Lan, DS1SOT
IARU liaison: Dr. Sung-Ki Lee, HL1IWD
Last updated: 03-May-2023
ROMANIA Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism [FRR]
Location: Str. Nicolae Filipescu, Nr. 53–55, Sect 2, Bucharest
Address: P.O. Box 22–50, RO-014780 Bucharest
Tel: +40 (21) 3155575 <HQ>
Fax: +40 (21) 3155575 <HQ>
Email: f.… <HQ>, yo3… <YO3CZW>
President: Rabina Dan Lucian, YO9FNP
Secretary: Mitrut Marius, YO3CZW
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 12-Apr-2019
RUSSIA Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii [SRR] , Russian Amateur Radio Union
Address: P.O. Box 88, Moscow 119311
Tel: +7 (495) 485 4755 <HQ>
Fax: +7 (495) 485 4981 <HQ>
Email: <HQ>, rt.… <R5AA>, r.… <RV3DA>, rv.… <RV3DUT>
President: Igor Grigoriev, RV3DA
Vice President: Roman Thomas, R5AA
Secretary: Dmitry Voronin, RA5DU (ex RV3DUT)
IARU liaison: Vice President
Last updated: 08-Nov-2023
RWANDA Rwanda Amateur Radio Union [RARU]
Address: RARU, 7289 Kigali-RWANDA
Tel: +250 252 584562
Fax: +250 252 584563
Email: i.…
Chairperson: Eurald Gakwandi, e.…
Secretary: Solange Ningabire, s.…
Last updated: 05-Aug-2014
SAMOA Samoa Amateur Radio Club [SARC]
Address: P.O. Box 2015, Apia
Tel: +685 24261 <5W1AT>, +685 7770013 <5W1AT cell>
Fax: +685 23173 <Marty Maessen>
Email: b.… <5W1AT>
President: Jim Moore, 5W1AC
Secretary: Marty Maessen, 5W1AT
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 01-Aug-2005
SAN MARINO Associazione Radioamatori, della Repubblica di San Marino [ARRSM]
Address: P.O. Box 77, RSM-47890 San Marino
Tel: +39 347 2620489 <T77KS>
Email: <HQ>, t… <T77KS>
President: Matteo Napolitano, T77NM
Secretary: John Cecchetti, T77CD
IARU liaison: Giorgio Minguzzi, T77KS
Last updated: 11-Dec-2012
SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Amateur Radio Society [SARS]
Address: Riyadh – Anas Ibn Malik Rd 3898, Postal code 13325–6577
Tel: +966505447705 <7Z1FM>
Email: 7z.… <7Z1FM>, hz.… <HZ1BF>
Chairman: Badr bin Fahd Al Saud, HZ1BF
IARU liaison: Fahd Muhammad Almuhaitheef, 7Z1FM
Last updated: 27-Oct-2019
SENEGAL Association des Radio-Amateurs du Senegal [ARAS]
Location: Immeuble des Colis Postaux, Avenue El-Hadj Malick Sy, Dakar
Address: P.O. Box 971, Dakar
Tel: +221 (8) 217034 <HQ>
Fax: +221 (8) 217032 <HQ>
Email: t.… <6W1KI>, <6W1QL>
President: Moustapha Diop, 6W1KI
Secretary: Jules Diallo, 6W1QL
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 29-Nov-2016
SERBIA Amateur Radio Union of Serbia [SRS], YU1SRS
Location: Trg Republike 3/VI, Beograd
Address: P.O. Box 48, YU-11001 Beograd
Tel: +381 (11) 3033 581
Email: s.… <HQ>, z.…… <YU1EW>, s.….….… <YT1XX>
President: Slobodan Stankovic, YT2SS
Secretary: Vaso Nastasic, YT1XX
IARU liaison: Zoran Mladenovic, YU1EW
Last updated: 7‑June-2023
SEYCHELLES Seychelles Amateur Radio Association [SARA]
Address: La Misere, c/o PO Box 609, Victoria, Mahé
Tel: 2727757
Email: ri… <S79RP>
Chairperson: Richard Perks, S79RP
Secretary: Albert Quatre
IARU liaison: Chairperson
Last updated: 08-Apr-2021
SIERRA LEONE Sierra Leone Amateur Radio Society [SLARS]
Address: P.O. Box 10, Freetown
Tel: +232 223335
President: Mrs. Cassandra Davies, 9L1YL
Secretary: William Sawyer, 9L1WS
IARU liaison: Alfred Koroma, 9L1AK
Last updated: 23-Feb-2005
SINGAPORE Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society [SARTS]
Address: Robinson Road PO Box 2728, Singapore 904728
Email: sa… <9V1AW>
President: Hugh Mason, 9V1SA
Vice President: Chu Haoyuan, 9V1HY
Secretary: Aaron Wong, 9V1AW
IARU liaison: Roland Turner, 9V1RT
Last updated: 30-Dec-2024
SLOVAKIA Slovensky Zvaz Radioamaterov [SZR] , Slovak Amateur Radio Association [SARA]
Location: Mlynska 4, 900 31 Stupava, Slovakia
Address: PO Box 14, 900 31 Stupava, Slovakia
Tel: +421 (905) 533719 <OM3EI>
Fax: +421 (2) 6224 7501 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>
President: Roman Kudlac, OM3EI
Vice President: Stefan Horecky, OM3JW, Branislav Daras, OM2FY
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 05-Feb-2016
SLOVENIA Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije [ZRS]
Address: Bezjakova ulica 151, Pekre, SI-2341 Limbus
Email: z.… <HQ>, s… <S51FB>
President: Konrad Krizanec, S58R
IARU Liaison: Miha Habic, S51FB
Last updated: 19-Mar-2023
SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Radio Society [SIRS]
Address: Closed since 2017
Tel: +677 30057 <H44GP>
Email: g.…
President: Greg Pearson, H44GP
Last updated: 28-Jan-2020
SOUTH AFRICA South African Radio League [SARL]
Location: Sender Technology Park, Octave Street, Honeydew, Johannesburg
Address: P.O. Box 1721, Strubensvallei 1735
Tel: +27 (087) 822 1464 <HQ>
Fax: +27 086 299 0566 <HQ>
Email: a.… <HQ>, s.… <ZS4BS>
President: Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL
Secretary: Dennis Green, ZS4BS
IARU liaison: Secretary
SARL Office: Kelley Dorey
Last updated: 2‑June-2022
SPAIN Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles [URE]
Location: Avenida Monte Igueldo 102, E‑28053 Madrid
Address: P.O. Box 55055, E‑28053 Madrid
Tel: +34 914 77 1413 <HQ>,
Email: u.… <HQ>, e.… <EA7X>
President: Victor Spinola Mena, EA7FUN
Secretary: Roman Sierra Serrano, EA1TL
IARU liaison: Jose Ramon Hierro, EA7X and Gaspar Miro, EA6AMM
Last updated: 15-Jun-2024
SRI LANKA Radio Society of Sri Lanka [RSSL]
Address: P.O. Box 907, Colombo
Tel: +94 71 135 6113 or +61 407 954 197
Email: pr.… <4S6TMP>, sp.… <4S7RO>
President: Tharanga Premathilake, 4S6TMP
Secretary: Victor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK
IARU liaison: Ron Goonetilleke, 4S7RO
Last updated: 04-Mar-2023
ST. KITTS & NEVIS St. Kitts-Nevis Amateur Radio Society [SKNAARS]
Address: P.O. Box 827, #3B Bernard Audain Dr., Taylor’s, Basseterre, St. Kitts
Tel: 869–660-4936/869–662-9099
Email: sk.…
President: David Hanley, V44HD
Vice President: Cedric Jeffers V44KBJ
Secretary: Carl Herbert, V44KD
IARU liaison: Carl Herbert, V44KD
Last updated: 25-June-2024
ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES St. Vincent & the Grenadines Amateur Radio Club [SVGARC]
Location: Kingstown, St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Address: PO Box 16, Kingstown, St Vincent & The Grenadines VC0100
Tel: 784–457-5857 <J85K>, 784–457-4437 <J85I>
Email: s.… <HQ>, … <J85K>, b… <J85I>
President: Kumar Persaud, J85K
Secretary: Sherry Ann Abbott, J88NSA
IARU liaison: Robert Young J85I
Last updated: 18-Mar-2013
SUDAN Sudan Amateur Radio Union [SARU]
Address: Khartoum, P.O. Box 2299 Code 11111, Sudan
Tel: +249 9 1296 3115, Whatsapp: +249 9 2654 0764
Email: S… <HQ>, s…… <ST2M>
President: Ahmed Abdelrahman Abuzeid Ahmed, ST2BZ
Vice president: Faisal Ismail Ibrahim Hamdoun,ST2FH
Secretary & Executive Director:: Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, ST2M
IARU liaison: Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, ST2M
Last updated: 22-Aug-2022
SURINAME Vereniging van Radio Amateurs in Suriname [VRAS] Membership Rights Temporarily Suspended
SWAZILAND (See Eswatini)
SWEDEN Foreningen Sveriges Sandareamatorer [SSA]
Location: Turebergs Alle 2, Sollentuna
Address: P.O. Box 45, SE-19121 Sollentuna
Tel: +46 (70) 958 57 05 <HQ>
Email: h.….… <SM5HJZ>, pr.… <SM0HEV>, sm.… <SM5PHU>, sm.… <SM6EAN>
Chairman: Jens Zander, SM0HEV
Vice Chairman: Jonas Hultin, SM5PHU
Office Manager: Jonas Ytterman, SM5HJZ
IARU liaison: Mats Espling, SM6EAN
Last updated: 30-Jul-2021
SWITZERLAND Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure [USKA]
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 26, CH-5000 Aarau
Tel: +41 (79) 842 65 59 <HQ>, +41 (79) 311 46 71 <HB9ALH>
Email: p.… <HB9ALH>, s.… <HB9AHL>
President: Bernard Wehrli, HB9ALH
Secretary: Willy Ruesch, HB9AHL
IARU liaison: Urs Lott, HB9BKT
Last updated: 23-June-2024
SYRIA Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Society (SSTARS)
Address: P.O. Box 245, Damascus
Tel: +963 (11) 6121279 <HQ>, +963 (11) 3114540 <YK1AO>
Fax: +963 (11) 3114540 <YK1AO>
Email: t.… <HQ>, s.… <YK1AO>
President: Omar Shabsigh, YK1AO
Secretary: Ms Sanabel Abd Al-Wahed, YK1BE
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 15-Feb-2012
TAJIKISTAN Tajik Amateur Radio League [TARL]
Address: P.O. Box 303, Dushanbe 734001
Tel: +992 (372) 212844 <HQ>, (372) 245432 <EY8AA>, (918) 617373 <EY8MM>
Fax: +992 (372) 212847 <HQ>
Email: n.… <HQ>, e.… <EY8MM>
President: Masud M. Tursoon-Zadeh, EY8AA
Secretary: Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh, EY8MM
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 19-Apr-2012
TANZANIA Tanzania Amateur Radio Club [TARC]
Address: P.O. Box 2958, Dar-es-Salaam
Tel: +255 755 019288 <5H3HO>, +255 673 019112 <5H3HO>
Email: k.… <5H3OKN, z.… <5H3HO>
Chairman: Elizabeth Majori
Secretary: Osmund Kipengele, 5H3OKN
IARU liaison and Deputy Secretary: Hidan Ricco, 5H3HO
Last updated: 01-Feb-2023
THAILAND Radio Amateur Society of Thailand [RAST]
Address: G.P.O. Box 2008, Bangkok 10501
Tel: +66 (8) 7557–7773 <E21EIC>
Fax: +66 (2) 8720565 <E21EIC>
Email: t.… <HS0ZDX>, e.….… <E21EIC>
President: Dr. Jakkree Hantongkom, HS1FVL
Secretary: Chalermphol Muangamphan, E21EIC
IARU Liaison: Tony Waltham, HS0ZDX
Last updated: 19-Aug-2014
TONGA Amateur Radio Club of Tonga [ARCOT]
Address: c/o Manfred Schuster, P.O. Box 1078, Nuku’alofa
Tel: 676 22677 <A35MS>
Secretary: Manfred Schuster, A35MS
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 03-Jun-2005
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society [TTARS]
Location: 469 Southern Main Road, Rousillac
Address: 469 Southern Main Road, Rousillac, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: +1 868–740‑5436 <9Y4JAG>, +1 868–360‑9009 <9Y4DG>, +1 868–399‑2472 <9Z4NED>
Email: br.… <9Y4JAG>, tt.… <9Y4DG>, tt.… <9Z4NED>
President: Bramie Maharaj, 9Y4JAG
Secretary: Dev Gosine, 9Y4DG
IARU liaison: Nadeem Hydal, 9Z4NED
Last updated: 25-Aug-2024
TUNISIA Association Des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens [ARAT]
Location: 01, Rue du Paradis, Ariana, Tunis
Address: ARAT, c/o Ashraf Chaabane, N92 Gremda Street km 2, Sfax, CP3032
Tel: +216 22670026
Email: a.… <3V8BB/KF5EYY>, m.… <3V8SA>
President: Ashraf Chaabane, 3V8BB/KF5EYY
President: Wael Arfaoui, 3V8SA
Secretary: Montassar Kammakh, 3V8SA
IARU liaison: President
Last Updated: 01-Mar-2015
TURKEY Turkish Radio Amateurs Society [TRAC]
Address: P:K 73, TR-07002 Muratpasa-Antalya, Turkey
Tel: +90 532 376 5707 <TA1E>, +90 535 324 3406 <TA4E>
Email: ta… <TA3SG>, 34.… <TA4E>, ilet.… <Info>
President: Gokhan Sunar, TA3SG
Secretary: Muhsin Bozkurt, TA4E
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 26-Nov-2024
TURKMENISTAN Liga Radiolyubiteley Turkmenistana [LRT], Turkmenistan Radio Amateur League
Address: P.O. Box 555, Ashgabat 744020
Tel: +993 12 460 600 <EZ8BO>, 443349 <EZ8BD>
Email: e.…
President: Berdy Adakow, EZ8AI
Secretary: Elena Sviridova, EZ8YL
IARU liaison: Eugene Zwontsov, EZ8BO
Last updated: 23-Feb-2005
TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS Turks and Caicos Amateur Radio Society [TACARS]
Address: 11013 Farmwood Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613 USA
Tel: +1 919–426-8051 (VP5/K4QPL)
Email: k.… <VP5/K4QPL>
President: Frederick Braithwaite, VP5FEB
Acting Secretary: Jim Jordan VP5/K4QPL
IARU liaison: Acting Secretary
Last updated: 19-Oct-2022
U.S.A. American Radio Relay League [ARRL]
Address: 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111–1494
Tel: +1 (860) 594‑0200 <HQ>
Fax: +1 (860) 594‑0259 <HQ>
Email: h.… <HQ>, w6… <W6ROD>
President: Rick Roderick, K5UR
Secretary: David Minster, NA2AA
IARU liaison: Rod Stafford, W6ROD
Last updated: 21-Oct-2022
UGANDA Uganda Amateur Radio Society [UARS]
Address: P.O. Box 22761, Kampala
Chairman: Peter Casier, 5X1T
Secretary: Jeffrey W. Demarest, 5X1WJ
Last updated: 23-Feb-2005
UKRAINE Ukrainian Amateur Radio League [UARL]
Location: office 29, 52/2 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv 03057
Address: PO Box 56 Kiev‑1, 01001
Email: u.… <UT3UY>
Web: http://www.UARL.ORG.UA
President: Anatoly Kirilenko, UT3UY
First Vice President: Serge Gai, UT5UIA
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 07-Dec-2016
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Emirates Amateur Radio Society [EARS]
Address: PO Box 130333, Sharjah City
Tel: +971 6 5587340 <HQ>
Fax: +971 6 5587360
Email: <HQ>
Chairman: Sheikh Abdullah Faisal Al Qassimi, A66A
Vice Chairman: Murad Hasan Abdullah Al Blooshi, A61Q
General Secretary: Yousif Ahmed Mohamed Rafee, A61Y
IARU Liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 01-Nov-2016
UNITED KINGDOM Radio Society of Great Britain [RSGB]
Address: 3 Abbey Court, Fraser Rd., Priority Business Park, Bedford MK44 3WH
Tel: +44 1234 832700 <HQ>
Email: g.… <HQ>
President: John McCullagh, GI4BWM
General Manager: Steve Thomas, M1ACB
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 15-Apr-2023
URUGUAY Radio Club Uruguayo [RCU]
Location: Simon Bolivar 1195, C.P. 11300 Montevideo
Address: P.O. Box 37, C.P. 11000 Montevideo
Tel: +598 (2) 7087879 <HQ>
Fax: +598 (2) 7087879 <HQ>
Email: c.… <HQ>
President: Carlos Pechiar, CX6BT
Vice President: Pablo Peraza, CX4CRZ
Secretary: Horacio Nigro, CX3BZ
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 14-Nov-2024
VANUATU Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society [VARS]
Address: P.O. Box 665, Port Vila
Tel: +678 23872 <YJ8RN>, +678 27378 <YJ8PE>
Email: r.… <YJ8RN>, p.… <YJ8PE>
President: Achille Poulet, YJ8PE
Secretary: Rod Newell, YJ8RN
IARU liaison: Secretary
Last updated: 29-Nov-2016
VENEZUELA Radio Club Venezolano [RCV]
Location: Av. Lima, con Av. La Salle, Los Caobos, Caracas
Address: P.O. Box 20285, Caracas 1020‑A
Tel: +58 (212) 781‑4878, +58 (212) 793‑5404 <HQ>
Fax: +58 (212) 793‑6883 <HQ>
Email: <YV5SF>, se.… <HQ>,
President: Victor Toro, YV5KQH
Vice President: Francisco Lopez, YV5LI
Secretary: Ruben Carrasquero, YV5KHF
IARU liaison: Jose Cornieles Leandro, YV5COR
Last updated: 16-Sept-2024
VIETNAM Vietnam Amateur Radio Club [VARC]
Location: 11 Bis Nguyen dinh, Chieu Street, District 1, HCM City
Address: 11 Bis Nguyen dinh, Chieu Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: +84 (8) 821 2193 <HQ>, +84 (8) 829 4912 <XV2A>
Fax: +84 (8) 914 1008 <HQ>
Email: d.… <HQ>, a.… <XV2A>
President: Nguyen Bac Ai, XV2A/3W6AR
Secretary: Hoang-dinh-Chien, 3W2KD
IARU Liaison: President
Last updated: 07-Dec-2016
ZAMBIA Radio Society of Zambia [RSZ]
The Radio Society of Zambia has submitted its resignation from the IARU.
Last updated: 30-Jun-2021
ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Amateur Radio Society [ZARS]
Address: c/o Chuck Gardiner, PO Box EH 91, Emerald Hill, Harare
Tel: +263 (4) 302 152
Email: t.… <Z21LV>, s.… <Z21LW>, a.… <Z21BB>
President: Athol Masdoll, Z21LV
Vice President: Fernando Arroyo, Z21BB
Secretary: Chuck Gardiner, Z21LW
IARU liaison: President
Last updated: 18-Jun-2012
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