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Member Societies

Mem­ber-soci­eties are request­ed to send updat­ed infor­ma­tion (changes in offi­cers, address­es, etc.) to the IARU Sec­re­tary:

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ALBANIA Alban­ian Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [AARA]
Address: P.O. Box 1501, Tirana
Tel: +355 (0) 42251671 <ZA1B>, +355 (0) 696091719 <ZA1B>
Fax: +355 (0) 42251671 <ZA1B>
Email: g.… <ZA1B>, z.… <ZA1D>
Chair­man: Dajlan Omeri, ZA1Z
Sec­re­tary: Nikol­la Dedi, ZA1D
IARU liai­son: Maren­glen Mema, ZA1B
Last updat­ed:  18-Aug-2016

ALGERIA Ama­teurs Radio Alge­riens [ARA]
Loca­tion: 7 Square Port Said, 16000 Alger
Address: P.O. Box 1, 16000 Alger Marsa
Tel: +213 6 61573677 or +213 5 61362267
Email: ar… <HQ>, a.… <7X2RO>
Fax: +213 21725013
Pres­i­dent: Afif Ben­lagha, 7X2RO
Sec­re­tary: Nabil Souici, 7X2KC
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 9‑Dec-2023

ANDORRA Unio de Radioafi­cionats Andor­rans [URA]
Loca­tion: Av. Fiter I Rossell, 71 AD700 Escaldes, Engon­dany, Prin­ci­pal­i­ty of Andor­ra
Address: P.O. Box 1150, AD 553 Prin­ci­pal­i­ty of Andor­ra
Tel: +376 825380 <HQ>
Fax: +376 825380 <HQ>
Email: u.… <HQ>, c.… <C31US>
Pres­i­dent: Joan Sauri i Araus, C31US
Sec­re­tary:   Enric Cas­sany Rossell, C33CE
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 07-June-2023

ANGUILLA Anguil­la Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [AARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1670, The Val­ley, Anguil­la AI-2640, BWI
Email: k.… <VP2EKG>
Pres­i­dent: Kei­th “Stone” Greaves, VP2EKG
Vice pres­i­dent: Ted­dy Edwards, VP2ETE
Sec­re­tary: Kurl­i­dah Richard­son, VP2EKR
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 01-Mar-2015

ANTIGUA & BARBUDA Antigua and Bar­bu­da Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [ABARS]
Address: P.O. Box 965, St. John’s
Email: v2.… <HQ>, de.… <V21DJ>
Pres­i­dent: Fitz­mor­ris Mar­tin, V21JM
Vice Pres­i­dent: Peter Stoute, V21PS
Sec­re­tary: Denise Jarvis, V21DJ
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 10-Mar-2017

ARGENTINA Radio Club Argenti­no [RCA]
Loca­tion: Coro­nel Pago­la 3618, C1437IXB Buenos Aires
Address: P.O. Box 97, C1000WAA Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 (11) 4911–5868 <HQ>
Fax: +54 (11) 4911–5868 <HQ>
Email: lu4.….… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Juan I. Recabeitia, LU8ARI
Vice Pres­i­dent: Diego Salom, LU8ADX
Sec­re­tary: Car­los Beviglia, LU1BCE
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 20-Jul-2021

ARMENIA Fed­er­a­tion of Radiosport of the Repub­lic of Arme­nia [FRRA]
Address: P/Box 22, Yere­van 0002
Tel: +374 55003399 <HQ>
Fax: +3741 565616 <HQ>
Email: a.… <EK6NK>
Pres­i­dent: Arman Babloy­an, EK6NK
Sec­re­tary: Vahe Terzyan, EK6VT
IARU Liai­son: Mher Markosian, EK6AN
Last updat­ed: 12-Feb-2015

ARUBA Aru­ba Ama­teur Radio Club [AARC]
Loca­tion: Spaansla­goen­weg 12, Pos Chiq­ui­to
Address: P.O. Box 614, Oran­jes­tad
Tel: +297 593‑7825 <P43RC>
Fax: +297 583‑1545 <P43E>
Email: a.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Raul Croes, P43RC
Sec­re­tary: Emi­ly Thiel, P43E
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 17-Jan-2017

AUSTRALIA Wire­less Insti­tute of Aus­tralia [WIA]
Loca­tion: Suite 20, 11–13 Have­lock Rd., Bayswa­ter, Vic­to­ria 3153
Address: P.O. Box 2042, Bayswa­ter, Vic­to­ria 3153
Tel: +61 (3) 9729 0400 <Nation­al Office>
Fax: +61 (3) 9729 7325 <Nation­al Office>
Email: n.… <Nation­al Office>, Sc.… <VK3KJ>, Le.… <VK3GK>, se.… <VK8ZZ>
Pres­i­dent: Scott Williams, VK3KJ
Vice Pres­i­dent: Lee Moyle, VK3GK
Sec­re­tary: Peter Clee, VK8ZZ
IARU liai­son: Peter Young, VK3MV,
Last updat­ed:  03-JanAug-2021

AUSTRIA Oester­re­ichis­ch­er Ver­suchssenderver­band [OV]
Address: Indus­triezen­trum NÖ-süd, Strasse 14, Objekt 31, A‑2351 Wr. Neu­dorf
Tel: +43 (1) 999 2131 <HQ>
Email: o.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Michael Kastel­ic, OE1MCU
Vice Pres­i­dent: Man­fred Mauler, OE7AAI
Vice Pres­i­dent: Robert Kindl, OE6RKE
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 30-Jun-2023

AZERBAIJAN Radio Sport Fed­er­a­tion of Azer­bai­jan [FRS]
Address: S‑Rustam 33A-24, Baku, AZ-1000
Email: o.…… 4J7A or a… 4J4J
Pres­i­dent: Oktay Ker­i­mov, 4J7A
Vice Pres­i­dent: Igor Ali­mar­danov, 4K5D
Sec­re­tary: Oktay Ker­i­mov, 4J7A
IARU liai­son: Anar Babayev, 4J4J
Last Updat­ed: 06-FEB-2022


BAHAMAS Bahamas Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [BARS]
Address: P.O. Box SS-6004, Nas­sau, N.P.
Pres­i­dent: Rein­hart Pear­son, C6ANO
Sec­re­tary: Philip Dawkins, C6ACN
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 09-Mar-2003

BAHRAIN Bahrain Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [BARS] 
Address: PO Box 28021, Man­a­ma, King­dom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 3398 5518 <HQ>
Chair­man: Fawaz Sulaibeekh, A92AA
IARU Liai­son: Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 30-Jul-2021

BANGLADESH Bangladesh Ama­teur Radio League [BARL]
Address: 88, Lake Dri­ve Road, Lev­el 4, Sec­tor 7, Uttara, Dha­ka 1230
Tel: +8801552361485 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, s.… <S21DC>, s.… <S21MO>, s.… <S21RM>, s.… <S21MB>, s.… <S21AD>
Pres­i­dent: Ln. Moham­mad Didarul Husain, S21DC
Vice Pres­i­dent: Mus­tahidul Islam, S21MO
Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary: MD Rashidul Alam Ripon, S21RM
Assis­tant Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary: Mukul Hos­sain, S21MB
Trea­sur­er: Miah Moham­mad Far­dous Zahan Apol­lo, S21AD
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 30-Mar-2019

BARBADOS Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety of Bar­ba­dos [ARSB]
Address: P.O. Box 814E, Bridgetown
Tel: +1 (246) 572‑5644 <8P6PE>, 437‑5537 <8P6JG>, 420‑1000 <8P6SL>, 425‑3209 <8P6JB>
Email: is.… <8P6PE>, Ma.… <8P6JG>, Ro.… <8P6SL>, ro.… <8P6JB>
Pres­i­dent: Ish­mael Cado­gan, 8P6PE
Vice Pres­i­dent: Mark King, 8P6JG
Secretary/Treasurer: Ronald Nurse, 8P6SL
IARU liai­son: Vice Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 14-Jun-2018

BELARUS Belaruss­ian Fed­er­a­tion of Radioa­ma­teurs and Radiosports­men [BFRR]
Loca­tion: 7 Ignatenko St., Min­sk 220035 Belarus
Address: PO Box 469, Min­sk 220050, Belarus
Email: e.… <EU1M>
Chair­man: Alexan­der Savushkin, EW2A
Sec­re­tary: Vic­tor Krivoshein, EU1U
IARU liai­son: Vladimir Sida­rau, EU1M
Last updat­ed:  19-Jun-2017

BELGIUM Union royale belge des ama­teurs-emet­teurs/Konin­klijke Unie van de Bel­gis­che Zendamateurs/Konigliche Union der Bel­gis­chen Funka­ma­teure (UBA)
Address: Rue de la Presse 4, B‑1000 Brus­sels
Tel: +32 (51) 686225  or +32 2 2271163
Fax: +32 (2) 218‑3141
Email: p.… <ON7TK>, i.… <ON4UB>
Pres­i­dent: Claude van Pot­tels­berghe de la Pot­terie, ON7TK
Sec­re­tary (Flem­ish): Claude Laporte, ON4JCL
Sec­re­tary (French): Ste­fan Dom­brows­ki, ON6TI
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 06-Jul-2022

BELIZE Belize Ama­teur Radio Club [BARC]
Address: PO Box 159, Bel­mopan, Belize, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca
Tel: +501 629 1900
Email: of.… <office>, v… <v31dl>
Pres­i­dent: Dr. Andre T. Scholz, V31DL
Vice Pres­i­dent: Marc Missal­la, V31MA
IARU Liai­son: Dr. Andre T. Scholz, V31DL
Last updat­ed: 22-Apr-2024

BERMUDA Radio Soci­ety of Bermu­da [RSB]
Address: P.O. Box 275 HM AX, Hamil­ton City, Pem­broke Parish
Tel: +1 441 236 6355 <VP9MT>
Email: v.…
Pres­i­dent: Glen Cuo­co, VP9ID
Sec­re­tary: Miri­am Callabras, VP9LN
IARU liai­son: John Stevens, VP9NI and Craig Niko­lai, VP9NL
Last updat­ed: 25-Oct-2017

BOLIVIA Radio Club Boli­viano [RCB]
Loca­tion: Plaza Teja­da Sorzano No. 1392, La Paz
Address: P.O. Box 2111, La Paz
Tel: +591 (2) 2222069 <HQ>
Fax: +591 (2) 2225157 <HQ>
Email:  ra.… <HQ>, m.… <Mario Iberkleid, CP1FF>
Pres­i­dent: Enrique Men­diz­a­bal Eyza­guirre, CP1OT
Sec­re­tary: José Negrie Tubert, CP1HQ
IARU liai­son: Mario Iberkleid, CP1FF
Last updat­ed: 23-Oct-2016

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Aso­ci­jaci­ja Radioa­mat­era u Bosni i Herce­govine [ARA­BiH],
Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion in Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina [ARA­BiH]
Loca­tion: Dervisa Numi­ca 6,  Sara­je­vo, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina
Address: P.O. Box 61, 71001 Sara­je­vo
Tel: +387 62 196 322 <HQ>, +387 61 184 585 <E74SL>
Email: o.… <HQ>, d.…… <E70A>
Pres­i­dent: Sve­tozar Sasha Lisul, E74SL
Sec­re­tary: Senaid Pleh, E73PS
IARU liai­son: Darko Rus­man, E70A
Last updat­ed:  29-May-2020

BOTSWANA Botswana Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [BARS]
Email: re.… <A22LR>
Pres­i­dent: Rene Lom­bard, A22LR
IARU Liai­son: 
Last updat­ed: 26-Nov-2020 (mail­ing address tem­porar­i­ly removed)

BRAZIL Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emis­sao [LABRE]
Loca­tion: Tre­cho-04, Lote-1A — Asa Sul 70200–004 Brasil­ia-DF
Address: Caixa postal 4, 70275–970 Brasil­ia-DF, Brazil
Tel: +55 (61) 3223–1157 <HQ>
Email: se… <HQ>, p.… <PT2FR>
Pres­i­dent: Mar­cone R. Cerqueira, PY6MV
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor: Euge­nio Mar­tinez, PY6MZ
IARU liai­son: Fran­cis­co Jose de Queiroz, PT2FR
Last updat­ed: 26-Aug-2020

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS British Vir­gin Islands Radio League [BVIRL]
Address: P.O. Box 409, Cruz Bay, St. John 0083
Tel: +1 (284) 496‑8992
Vice Pres­i­dent: Arthur Swain, VP2VA
Last updat­ed: 29-Oct-2008

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Brunei Darus­salam Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [BDARA]
Address: PO Box 849 MPC Old Air­port, Ban­dar Seri Begawan BB3577,  Negara Brunei Darus­salam
Tel: +673 866‑9017 <HQ>
Email:   v.… <V85TL>
Pres­i­dent: Mej(B) Haji Tamat Bin Hj Lam­poh, V85T
Advi­sor: Pg Haji Haris Bin Pg Hj Dura­man
Vice Pres­i­dent: Hj Abd Jamal Bin Hj Abd Rah­man, V85AJK
Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al: Dk Aidah Bin­ti Pg Hj Ahmad, V85AHV
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 28-Jan-2020

BULGARIA Bul­gar­i­an Fed­er­a­tion of Radio Ama­teurs [BFRA]
Loca­tion: Com­plex Lagera, Block 5, 1612 Sofia
Address: P.O. Box 830, BG-1000 Sofia
Tel: +359 897 949888 <LZ3NN>, +359 898 312372 <LZ1US>
Email: b.… <HQ>, l.… <LZ3NN>
Pres­i­dent: Vic­tor Tzenkov, LZ3NN
Sec­re­tary: Panay­ot Danev, LZ1US
IARU liai­son: Panay­ot Danev, LZ1US
Last updat­ed: 12-Oct-2020

BURKINA FASO Asso­ci­a­tion des Radioa­ma­teurs du Burk­i­na Faso [ARBF]
Address: PO Box 6397, Oua­gadougou 01
Tel:  +226 306923 <Alpha M. Diakite Kaba>
Email: hp.… <XT2HB>
Pres­i­dent: Hugolin Poo­da, XT2HB
Sec­re­tary: Alpha M. Diakite Kaba
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 24-Mar-2018

BURUNDI Asso­ci­a­tion Burundaise des Ama­teurs Radio et Tele­vi­sion (ABART)
Address: 6564 Bujum­bu­ra
Tel: +257 79  627 440
Email: b…
Pres­i­dent: Jean Claude Kamwenubusa
Sec­re­tary: Jean Nijim­bere
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 20-Oct-2015


CAMEROUN Asso­ci­a­tion des Radio Ama­teurs du Camer­oun [ARTJ]
Address: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Postes et Tele­com, B.P. 6132 Yaounde
Tel: +237 7781 3983 <TJ3NF>
Fax: +237 23 37 48
Email: f.…
Pres­i­dent: Fran­cois Kamgam, TJ1KF
IARU liai­son:  Flo­rence Ntsiyep, TJ3NF
Last updat­ed: 18-Jun-2014

CANADA Radio Ama­teurs of Cana­da [RAC]
Address: 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z5
Tel: +1 (613) 244‑4367 <HQ>
Fax: +1 (613) 244‑4369 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>, g.….… <VE3XRA>, v.….… <VA3WID>, int… <VA3SB>, t.… <Alan Grif­fin>
Pres­i­dent: Glenn Mac­Donell, VE3XRA
Sec­re­tary: Suk­wan Wida­jat, VA3WID
Office Man­ag­er: Adam Mac­Donell
Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions: Alan Grif­fin 
IARU liai­son: Serge Bertuz­zo, VA3SB
Last updat­ed: 19-Jan-2021

CAYMAN ISLANDS Cay­man Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [CARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1029 GT, KY1-1102 Grand Cay­man
Tel: +1 (345) 323‑1192 <ZF2BR>,  (345) 916‑3547 <ZF1EJ>, (345) 917‑6077 <ZF1DM>
Email:  zf.… <ZF2BR>, <ZF1EJ>, d.… <ZF1DM>
Pres­i­dent: Ray Boyce, ZF2BR
Sec­re­tary: Dan­ny Mcll­hag­ga, ZF1DM
IARU liai­son: Andrew Eden, ZF1EJ
Last updat­ed: 15-Mar-2017

CHILE Radio Club de Chile [RCCH]
Loca­tion: Nataniel Cox 1054, 8330996 San­ti­a­go
Address: P.O. Box 13630, San­ti­a­go 21
Tel: +56 (2) 2696–4707 <HQ>, +56 (2) 392‑1843 <CE3PG>
Fax: +56 (2) 392‑1444 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, g.… <CE3PG>
Pres­i­dent: Galdino Beso­mi Sani, CE3PG
Sec­re­tary: Marisa Tobel­la, CE2MT
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 16-Jun-2014

CHINA Chi­nese Radio Ama­teurs Club [CRAC]
Location/Address: Bldg 15, #30 Shix­ing Dajie, Shi­jing­shan Dis­trict, Bei­jing 100041
Email:  in…… <Liai­son>
Chair­man: Mr. Li Haiqing, BA1HQ
Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al: Mr. Yin Hu, BD1AZ
IARU Liai­son: Mr. Yongjian Sheng, BA1AJ
Last updat­ed:  15-Jul-2021

CHINESE TAIPEI Chi­nese Taipei Ama­teur Radio League [CTARL]
Loca­tion: 22F. No. 102, Chung Ping Road, Tao-Yuan City, 330 Tai­wan
Address: P.O. Box 73, Taipei, Taipei City 10099, Tai­wan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886 4738–8746 <HQ>, +886 32209207 ext. 888 <BV2AI>
Fax: +886 4738–5441 <HQ>, +886 32202245 <BV2AI>
Email: h.… <HQ>, h.… <BX2AI>,  b… <BV2FP>
Chair­man: Yi-Chien Kuo, BV2AI
Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al: David Kao, BV2FP
IARU liai­son: Huawei Su, BX2AI
Last updat­ed:  3‑Aug-2016

COLOMBIA Liga Colom­biana de Radioafi­ciona­dos [LCRA]
Address: P.O Box (Aparta­do Aéreo) 584, Bogotá D.C 
Tel: +57 (315) 215 9667 <HQ> <HQ>, <HK3BED>, hk… <HK6O>
Pres­i­dent: Arturo Afanador, HK3BED
Vice-Pres­i­dent: Oscar Reyes, HK6O
IARU liai­son: Oscar Reyes, HK6O
Last updat­ed: 07-Apr-2024

CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Union des Radioa­ma­teurs du Con­go [URAC]
Uni­ver­sité Marien, Ngouabi Cam­pus, Numérique Fran­coph­o­ne, Braz­zav­ille
Tel: +242 636 7176 or +242 535 9489
Email: ma.… <TN5MM>
Pres­i­dent: Mao Monguimet, TN5MM
Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al: Ulysse Yin­da
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 16-Dec-2016

COSTA RICA Radio Club de Cos­ta Rica [RCCR]
 Address: P.O. Box 2412–1000, San Jose
Tel: +506 2280 7855 <HQ>, +506 7110 2600 <TI2HAS>
Email: ia.… <HQ>, ti.… <TI2HAS>
Pres­i­dent: Hugo Soto Var­gas, TI2HAS
Sec­re­tary: Adri­an Mainieri, TI2LCO
IARU liai­son: Rober­to Feigen­blatt, TI2RF
Last updat­ed: 23-Apr-2024

COTE D’IVOIRE Asso­ci­a­tion Des Radio Ama­teurs Ivoiriens (ARAI)
Address: 01 PO Box 2946, Abid­jan 01
Tel: +225 57963469 & +225 07355583 <HQ>
Email: tu.… <HQ>, je.… <TU2OP>, t.… <TU2ZA>, tu… <TU2FQ>
Pres­i­dent: Jean-Jacques Nia­va, TU2OP
Sec­re­tary: Joachim Kacou, TU2ZI
Vice Pres­i­dent: Dodo Blé, TU2ZA
Vice pres­i­dent: Bodosse Joël, TU2FQ  (DXpe­di­tion con­tact) 
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 08-Jan-2018

CROATIA Hrvats­ki radio-amater­s­ki savez [HRS]
Address: Dal­matin­s­ka 12, HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 (1) 4848759 <HQ>
Fax: +385 (1) 4848763 <HQ>,
Email: h.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Rolan­do Milin, 9A3MR
Sec­re­tary: Mar­i­ja Soric, 9A6PAX
IARU liai­son: Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY
Last updat­ed: 4‑Dec-2023

CUBA Fed­era­cion de Radioafi­ciona­dos de Cuba [FRC]
Loca­tion: Calle Paseo #611, entre 25 y 27, Plaza de la Rev­olu­cion, La Habana CP 10600
Address: P.O. Box 1, Habana 10100
Tel: +53 (7) 833 4811 & 830 2223
Email:  pr.… <CO2TZ>, co.… <CO2RCH>, ed.… <CO2BK>
Pres­i­dent: Irald­is Vidal Avi­la, CO2TZ
Vice Pres­i­dent: Reniel Hor­ta More­jon, CO2RCH
Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al: Rober­to Ibar­ra Aguil­era, CO2KL
Frcu­ba Web­side Edi­tor: Luis E. Estra­da Her­nan­dez, CO2BK
Last updat­ed: 11-Feb-2024

CURAÇAO, DUTCH CARIBBEAN Verenig­ing voor Exper­i­menteel Radio Onder­zoek, in de Ned­er­landse Antillen [VERONA]
Address: P.O. Box 3383, Curaçao
Tel: +599 9 560 1818 <PJ2BR>
Email: p.… <PJ2BR>, c.…… <PJ2CFM>
Pres­i­dent: Brett Ruiz, PJ2BR
Sec­re­tary: Cas­tro Mer­cali­na, PJ2CFM
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 14-Nov-2016

CYPRUS Cyprus Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [CARS]
Address: P.O. Box 25017, 1306 Nicosia
Tel: +357 (99) 610855 <5B4AHZ>,
Email: c.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent:  Nestor Jaco­vides, 5B4AHZ
Sec­re­tary:  Geor­gios Geor­giou, 5B4SD
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 21-Dec-2018

CZECH REPUBLIC Cesky Radiok­lub [CRK], Czech Radio Club [CRC]
Loca­tion: U. Perga­menky 3, CZ-17000 Pra­ha 7
Tel: +420 (2) 66722240 <HQ>, +420 603 480 090 <OK1MP>
Email: c.… <HQ>, o.… <OK1MP>, s.… <OK1RI>
Pres­i­dent: Jiri San­da, OK1RI
Sec­re­tary: Mrs. Libuse Kociano­va, OK1LYL
IARU liai­son: Milos Prostecky, OK1MP
Last updat­ed:  12-Dec-2021


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Asso­ci­a­tion des Radio Ama­teurs du Con­go [ARAC], Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion of D.R. Con­go
Loca­tion: CNFPT, No 1 Av Colonel Ebeya, Gombe
Address: P.O. Box 2049, Kin­shasa 1
Tel: +243 9986 93940
Fax: +243 12 20686
Email: a.… <9Q1KS>
Pres­i­dent: Robert Ekaya, 9Q1RE
Sec­re­tary: Her­mes Mben­ga, 9Q1HM
IARU liai­son: Cyprien Kahundi­ra V., 9Q1KS 
Last updat­ed: 12-Nov-2016

DENMARK Exper­i­menterende Danske Radioam­a­to­er­er [EDR]
Address: Klokkestoe­bervej 11, DK-5230 Odense M
Tel: +45 6615 6511 <HQ>
Fax: +45 6615 6598 <HQ>
Email: k.… <HQ>, f.… <OZ4VW>, o.… <OZ7IS>
Pres­i­dent: Arne Fast Hansen, OZ4VW
Vice Pres­i­dent: Lars Hen­neberg-Jacob­sen, OZ1HPS 
Sec­re­tary: Michael Wehn­ert, OZ5WU
IARU Liai­son:  Ivan Stauning, OZ7IS
Last updat­ed:  12-Jan-2023

DJIBOUTI Asso­ci­a­tion des Radioa­ma­teurs de Dji­bouti [ARAD]
Address: P.O. Box 1076, Dji­bouti
Tel: +253 352490 <HQ>
Fax: +253 355757 <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Mohamed Omar Mous­sa, J28AP
Sec­re­tary: Fred Achoun, J28FA
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 23-Aug-2006

DOMINICA Domini­ca Ama­teur Radio Club Inc. [DARCI]
Loca­tion: Cane­field East Hous­ing Scheme
Address: P.O. Box 613, Roseau
Email: cl.…
Pres­i­dent: Pierre-Louis Clement, J73CPL
Last updat­ed: 03-Mar-2017

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Club Domini­cano [RCD]
Address: P.O. Box 1157, San­to Domin­go
Tel: +1 (829) 954‑4444
Email:r.… <HQ> h.… <HQ>, hi… <HI8VRS> hi.… <HI8RD>
Pres­i­dent: Hugo Ramon Sanchez, HI8VRS
Sec­re­tary: Vic­tor Manuel Báez Ramírez, HI8V
IARU liai­son: Rigob­er­to Diaz, HI8RD
Last updat­ed: 03-Nov-2023


ECUADOR Guayaquil Radio Club [GRC]
Address: P.O. Box 09–01-5757, Guayaquil
Tel: +593 999 484–680 <HC2BP>, +593 999 781–547 <HC2ZN>
Email: h.… <HQ>, l.… <HC2BP>
Pres­i­dent: Loren­zo Ler­to­ra, HC2BP
Sec­re­tary: Erwin Maenz, HC2ZN
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 01-Oct-2015

EGYPT Egypt­ian Radio Ama­teurs Soci­ety for Devel­op­ment [ERASD]
Address: P.O. Box 190, New Ram­sis Cen­ter, 11794 Cairo
Tel: +20 (20) 12 270 14657 <SU1SK>, (20) 12 760 02472 <SU1AR>
Email:a.… <SU1TA> ‚s.… <SU1SK>, s.… <SU1HM>
Pres­i­dent: Tarek Abdu­lah, SU1TA
Sec­re­tary: Said Kamel, SU1SK
IARU liai­son: Hos­sam El Shenawy, SU1HM
Last updat­ed: 12-Jan-2023

EL SALVADOR Club de Radio Afi­ciona­dos de El Sal­vador [CRAS]
Loca­tion: Calle 1, No. 5‑C, Urban­iza­cion Lomas de San Fran­cis­co, San Sal­vador
Address: PO Box CC-517, San Sal­vador
Tel: +503 248 3905 <HQ>, (503) 2288–9087 <YS1MS>
Fax: +503 248 3906 <HQ>
Email: c.… <HQ>,  j.….….… <YS1MS>, lo… <YS1RS>
Pres­i­dent: Jose Arturo Moli­na, YS1MS
Sec­re­tary: Noe Fed­eri­co Lopez, YS1FP
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 22-Mar-2023

ESTONIA Eesti Raa­dioam­a­tooride Uhing [ERAU], Eston­ian Radioa­ma­teurs Union
Address: Rävala pst 8–111B, Tallinn 10143
Tel: +372 744 7407 <HQ>, +372 519 29550 <ES7GM>
Email: e.… <HQ>, es.… <ES7GM>
Chair­man: Krist­jan Kass, ES7GM
Vice Chair­man: 
IARU liai­son: Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 19-Jul-2021

ESWATINI Radio Soci­ety of Eswa­ti­ni [RSE]
3d.…. <3DA0VV>, an.… <3DA0TM>
Chair­man and Pres­i­dent: Vin­cent Mol­loy, 3DA0VV 
Sec­re­tary: Andy Cory, 3DA0TM
IARU liai­son: Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 18-May-2020 

ETHIOPIA Ethiopi­an Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [EARS]
Address: King George VI St, Addis Aba­ba
Tel: +251 921 149800 / +251 913 703039 
Email: cl.….…
Pres­i­dent: Get­net Zeleke (Getu), KB3WWU
Sec­re­tary: Nigatu Abera
IARU liai­son: Tsegaye Ats­ba­ha, KB3WWJ
Last updat­ed: 06-Nov-2022


FAROE ISLANDS Føroyskir Radioa­matørar [FRA]
Address: Yvir við strond 20, FO-100 Tór­shavn <OY6FRA>
Tel: +298 585947 <OY1R>
Email: fr…
Pres­i­dent: Òlavur Fredrik­sen <OY1OF>
Sec­re­tary: Regin Nico­la­jsen <OY1R>
IARU Liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 25-Jun-2018
FIJI Fiji Asso­ci­a­tion of Radio Ama­teurs [FARA]
Address: PO Box 10842, Lau­cala Beach Estate, Via Suva
Tel: +679 921 8354 <3D2AG>
Email:  ny.… <3D2AG>
Act­ing Pres­i­dent and IARU liai­son: Antoine N’Yeurt, 3D2AG
Last updat­ed:  08-Dec-2018

FINLAND Suomen Radioam­a­too­rili­it­to [SRAL], Finnish Ama­teur Radio League
Address: Kaupin­maen­polku 9, FI-00440 Helsin­ki
Tel: +358 (9) 562‑5973 <HQ>, +358 (40) 5483351 <OH2BQZ>
Email: t.… <HQ>, oh.… <OH2BQZ>
Chair­man: Hen­ri Olan­der, OH3JR o.…
IARU liai­son: Markku Toi­jala, OH2BQZ
Last updat­ed: 01-Feb-2023

FRANCE Reseau des Emet­teurs Fran­cais [REF]
Loca­tion: 32 Rue de Suede, F‑37100 Tours
Address: P.O. Box 77429, F‑37074 Tours Cedex 2
Tel: +33 (2) 4741–8873 <HQ>
Email: ia…@r‑ <HQ>, pr.…@r‑ <F4HKX>, se.…@r‑<F4API>, f.…<F5IHD>
Web: http://www.r‑
Pres­i­dent: Chris­tine Car­reau, F4GDI
Sec­re­tary: Jean-Marc F5RQQ
IARU liai­son: Edgar­do Da Fon­se­ca, F5IHD
Last updat­ed: 25-June-2024

FRENCH POLYNESIA Club Oceanien de Radio et d’As­tronomie [CORA]
Address: P.O. Box 5006, Pirae 98716, Tahi­ti
Tel: +689 436258/412525 <FO5EC>, 412923/425025 <FO4NR>
Fax: +689 412723 <FO4NR>
Pres­i­dent: Charles Tron­dle, FO5BL
Sec­re­tary: Alain Por­tal, FO5EC
IARU liai­son: Richard Slavov, FO4NR
Last updat­ed: 09-Mar-2003


GABON Asso­ci­a­tion Gabonaise des Radio-Ama­teurs [AGRA]
Address: P.O. Box 1826, Libre­ville
Tel: +241 730154 <TR8CA>, 702303 <TR8JCV>, 733100 <TR8NOR>
Fax: +241 702425
Email: t.…, or t.… <TR8CA>
Pres­i­dent: Alain Combeuis, TR8CA
Sec­re­tary: Romuald Nang Oto­go, TR8NOR
IARU liai­son: Jean-Claude Vil­lard, TR8JCV
Last updat­ed: 23-Aug-2006

GAMBIA Radio Soci­ety of The Gam­bia [RSTG]
Last updat­ed: 9‑Mar-2003

GEORGIA Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion Radioa­ma­teurs of Geor­gia [NARG]
Address: Aga­mashenebe­li Av. 70, Tbil­isi 0102
Tel: +995 99 563184 <HQ>, +995 32 2963184 <HQ>
Email: m.…
Pres­i­dent: Mamu­ka Kordza­khia, 4L2M
Sec­re­tary: David Dev­dar­i­ani, 4L1DA
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 22-Apr-2015

GERMANY Deutsch­er Ama­teur Radio Club [DARC]
Address: Lin­de­nallee 4, 34225 Bau­na­tal
Tel: +49 (561) 949880 <HQ>
Fax: +49 (561) 9498850 <HQ>
Email: d.… <HQ>, d.… <DJ3HW>, dl.… <DL3MBG>
Pres­i­dent: Chris­t­ian Ents­fell­ner, DL3MBG
Act­ing Sec­re­tary: Jens Herg­ert
IARU liai­son: Hans-Joerg Jaehrig, DJ3HW
Last updat­ed: 24-Jan-2020

GHANA Ghana Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [GARS]
Address: P.O. Box 3936, Accra
Tel: +233 (21) 667923 <Samir Nas­sar>
Sec­re­tary: Samir Nas­sar, 9G1NS
Last updat­ed: 09-Oct-2006

GIBRALTAR Gibral­tar Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [GARS]
Loca­tion: 21 Coal­ing Island Road, Gibral­tar, Post Code GX11 1AA
Address: P.O. Box 292, Gibral­tar, Post Code GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 79808 <HQ>
Email: zb.… <ZB2B>, jo.… <ZB2JK>
Pres­i­dent: Ronald Pin­cho, ZB2B
Sec­re­tary: John King, ZB2JK
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 01-Jul-2017

GREECE Radio Ama­teur Asso­ci­a­tion of Greece [RAAG]
Loca­tion: 42 Pavlou Mela St., 1st floor, GR-12131, Athens
Address: P.O. Box 42001, GR-121 01 Peri­s­teri, Athens
Tel: +30 (210) 522‑6516 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>,m.… <SV1IW>, sv.… <SV1IYA>, sv… <SV8YM>
Pres­i­dent: Manos Dark­adakis, SV1IW
Sec­re­tary: Chris­tos Kou­gioumt­zoglou, SV1IYA
IARU liai­son: Tasos Thomaid­is, SV8YM
Last updat­ed: 12-Apr-2024

GRENADA Grena­da Ama­teur Radio Club [GARC]
Address: P.O. Box 737, St. George’s
Email: g.…
Pres­i­dent: Reuben Pur­soo, J39DE
Sec­re­tary: Allan Buda­hall, J39BK
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 01-Mar-2015

GUATEMALA Club de Radioafi­ciona­dos de Guatemala [CRAG]
Loca­tion: Local 117, 3rd Floor, Cen­tro Com­er­cial Super Cen­tro Moli­no, Calza­da Roo­sevelt, Km. 15, Zona 11, G.C.
Address: P.O. Box 115, Guatemala City 01901
Tel: +502 2435 4141 <HQ>
Email: tg.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Chris­t­ian Flo­res, TG9AFX
Sec­re­tary: Jaime San­tis­te­ban, TG9ASB
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 02-Sep-2019

​GUINEA Asso­ci­a­tion des Radioa­ma­teurs de Guinea [ARGUI]
Address: 4 Bd de la Republique, BP 4840, Conakry, Rep. de Guinea
Tel: +224 11 21 47 21
Fax: +224 41 20 00
Email: m.…
Pres­i­dent: Mr. Mamadou Dioulde Sow
Vice Pres­i­dent: Mr. Bah Ahmadou
Sec­re­tary: Mr. Malan Manet
IARU Liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed:  01-Jun-2005

GUYANA Guyana Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [GARA] Mem­ber­ship Rights Tem­porar­i­ly Suspended


HAITI Radio Club d’Haiti [RCH]
Address: P.O. Box 1484, Port-au-Prince
Tel: +509 257‑5179 <HQ>, +509 257‑6203 <HH2JR>
Fax: +509 257‑4925 <HQ>
Email: h.…
Pres­i­dent: Jean-Robert Gail­lard, HH2JR
Vice Pres­i­dent: David Far­quhar­son, HH2QCS
Sec­re­tary: Pier­rick Mad­sen, HH2MK
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 01-Mar-2015

HONDURAS Radio Club de Hon­duras [RCH]
Loca­tion: Col. Pra­do Alto, Boule­vard del Sur, costa­do sur Cuer­po de Bomberos
Address: P.O. Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortes 21105
Cell: +(504)9991–14-17 <HR2HR2PQ>, +(504)9994–31-35 <HR2CG>, +(504)9809–13-38 <HQ2HDC>
Email: h.… <HQ>,
Pres­i­dent: Juan Pablo Soto, HR2PQ
Vice Pres­i­dent: Car­los Galo, HR2CG
Sec­re­tary: Hum­ber­to David Calderon, HQ2HDC
IARU liai­son: Nor­ma Leti­cia Lei­va, HR2N
Last updat­ed: 24-Feb-2024

HONG KONG, CHINA Hong Kong Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ting Soci­ety [HARTS]
Loca­tion: HARTS Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sup­port Ser­vices Cen­tre, 429 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Address: G.P.O. Box 541, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 9242–1601
Email: i.…<HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Rudy Wong, VR2USP
Vice Pres­i­dent: C. H. Ho, VR2YPK
Sec­re­tary: Andrew Woo, VR2UAW
IARU Liai­son: Andrew Cheong, VR2XXC
Last updat­ed: 17-Sept-2024

HUNGARY Mag­yar Radioam­a­tor Szovet­seg [MRASZ], Hun­gar­i­an Radio Ama­teur Soci­ety
Loca­tion: Kira­ly­helmec u. 9, H‑1037 Budapest
Address: Kira­ly­helmec u. 9, H‑1037 Budapest
Tel: +36 (1) 287‑9634 <HQ>
Email: m.… <HQ>, c.…<HA3LN>
Pres­i­dent: Csa­ba Mol­nar, HA6PX
Sec­re­tary: Las­z­lo Weisz, HA3NU
IARU liai­son: Csa­ba Nagy, HA3LN
Last updat­ed: 5‑May-2022


ICELAND Islen­zkir Radioam­a­torar [IRA]
Address: P.O. Box 1058, IS-121 Reyk­javik
Tel: +354 8980559 <TF3JB>
Email: <HQ>, j.… <TF3JB>, k… <TF3KB>
Pres­i­dent: Jónas Bjar­na­son, TF3JB
Sec­re­tary: Georg Kulp, TF3GZ
IARU liai­son: Kristján Benedik­ts­son, TF3KB
Last updat­ed: 14-Apr-2024

INDIA Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety of India [ARSI]
Address: c/o Lin­ux Learn­ing Cen­tre Pri­vate Lim­it­ed, 635, 6th Main Road, Next to Bank of India, Hanu­man­th­na­gar, Ban­ga­lore 560019
Tel: +91 (80) 22428538 <HQ>, +91 9845057731 <VU2LU>, +91 9448490465 <VU2GGM>
Email: pr.… <pres­i­dent>, se.… <sec­re­tary>
Pres­i­dent: Ramesh Kumar, VU2LU
Sec­re­tary: Govind Gir­i­ma­ji, VU2GGM
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed:  02-Nov-2020

INDONESIA Organ­isasi Amatir Radio Indone­sia [ORARI]
Address: Jl. Teru­san Rasuna Said 20
Kuningan Barat — Mam­pant Pra­p­atan
Jakar­ta Sela­tan
Indone­sia — 12710
Tel:  +62 (215) 296 3223 <HQ>
WA:  +62811977700 <HQ>
Email: sek.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Don­ny Imam Pri­ambo­do, YB0DX
Sec­re­tary: Yusuf Bud­hyan­to, YB3DY
IARU liai­son: Udi­an­syah, YB0SSF
Last updat­ed: 08-Mar-2022

IRAQ Iraqi Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [IARS]
Loca­tion:  Sci­en­tif­ic Care Build­ing, Dam­as­cus St., Bagh­dad
Address: P.O. Box 55072, Bagh­dad 12001
Tel: +964 7901213017 <YI1MAR>, +964 7901398249 <YI1DZ>
Email: ia… <HQ>, y… <YI1MAR>, y… < YI1QEA >, y… <YI1DZ>
Pres­i­dent: Mazin Abdu­latif Rad­wan, YI1MAR
Sec­re­tary:  Qusay Ismaiel AlFard­hi, YI1QEA
IARU Liai­son: Diya ALAsa­da, YI1DZ
Last updat­ed: 31-Jan-2023

IRELAND Irish Radio Trans­mit­ters Soci­ety [IRTS]
Address: P.O. Box 462, Dublin 9
Email: i.… <HQ>, e.… <EI2IP>, ei.… <EI2II>, i.… <EI4GGB>
Pres­i­dent: Enda Brod­er­ick, EI2II
Sec­re­tary: Owen O’Reil­ly, EI4GGB
IARU liai­son:  Rob­bie Phe­lan, EI2IP
Last updat­ed: 10-Dec-2023

ISRAEL Israel Ama­teur Radio Club [IARC]
Loca­tion: Alpert 3, Yahud 56214
Address: P.O. Box 17600, Tel-Aviv 61176
Tel: +972 (50) 5207273 
Email: in…
Pres­i­dent: David Ben Basat 4X1WH
Chair­man: Dan Katz­man, 4Z5SL
Vice Chair­man: Dov Gav­ish, 4Z4DX
Sec­re­tary: Avri Dotan, 4X1YV
IARU Liai­son & Spokesman: Eyal Raskin M.D., 4X1RE
Last updat­ed: 28-May-2024

ITALY Asso­ci­azione Radioam­a­tori Ital­iani [ARI]
Address: Via Scar­lat­ti 30, I‑20124 Milano
Tel: +39 (02) 6692192 <HQ>
Fax: +39 (02) 36593088 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>, i.… <IZ4EFN>, i.… <IK2RLS>
Pres­i­dent: Alessio Sac­chi, IZ4EFN
Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al: Mau­ro Preglias­co, I1JQJ
IARU liai­son: Save­rio Amore, IK2RLS
Last updat­ed: 05-Aug-2022


JAMAICA Jamaica Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [JARA]
Loca­tion: 76 Arnold Road, Kingston 5
Address: PO Box 214, Kingston 20
Tel: (876) 995‑1424 <6Y5DB>, (876) 856‑2213 <6Y5HN>
Email: ba.… <6Y5DB>, ni.… <6Y5HN>
Pres­i­dent: Nigel Hoy­ow, 6Y5HN
Trea­sur­er: Basil C. David­son, 6Y5DB
IARU liai­son: Trea­sur­er
Last updat­ed: 19-May-2021

JAPAN Japan Ama­teur Radio League [JARL]
Loca­tion: Otsu­ka HT Bldg., 43–1 Minamiotsu­ka 3‑chome, Toshi­ma, Tokyo 170‑8073
Mail­ing Address: JARL Tokyo 170‑8073, JAPAN
Tel: +81 (3) 3988–8753, (3) 3988–8745 <HQ>
Fax: +81 (3) 3988–8772 <HQ> <HQ>,
Pres­i­dent: Koji Mori­ta, JA5SUD
Vice Pres­i­dent: Toki­masa Kimu­ra, JA2HDE
Vice Pres­i­dent: Takeshi Mit­sui, JA8DKJ
IARU liai­son:
Last updat­ed:  23-Jun-2024

JORDAN Roy­al Jor­dan­ian Radio Ama­teur Soci­ety [RJRAS]
Address: P.O. Box 2353, Amman 11181
Tel: +962 (6) 5167900 <HQ>
Fax: +962 (6) 5167901 <HQ>
Email: r.…
Pres­i­dent: H.R.H. Prince Raad Bin Zeid, JY2RZ
Last updat­ed: 11-May-2009


KAZAKHSTAN Kaza­khstan Fed­er­a­tion of Radiosports and Radioa­ma­teur [KFRR]
Loca­tion: Taskesken str, 98, 010000 Astana City
Address: PO Box 88, 010000 Astana
Tel: +7 7172 539848 <HQ>
Fax: +7 7172 539848 <HQ>
Email: u.… <HQ>, u.… 
Chair­man: Seitkul Assaubay, UN7ZA
Sec­re­tary: Zharyl­gasyn Aidana Armankyzy, UN7ZAL
IARU liai­son: Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 16-Mar-2021

KENYA  Radio Soci­ety of Kenya [RSK]
Loca­tion: Joseph Kangethe Road, Wood­ley Estate, Nairo­bi Coun­ty
Address: P.O. Box 45681, Nairo­bi-00100
Tel: +254 0729 473 917, +254 722 822 480
Email: sec.… <Sec­re­tary>, a.… <5Z4VJ>
Chair­man: David Muton­ga, 5Z4DJ
Dep. Chair­man: Antho­ny Kagotho, 5Z4OC
Sec­re­tary: Giton­ga M’M­bi­j­jewe, 5Z4ZT
IARU liai­son: Andy Chad­wick, 5Z4VJ
Last updat­ed:  30-Jan-2024
KOSOVO  Shoqa­ta e Radio Ama­toreve te Kosoves [SHRAK]
Address:  Uni­ver­siteti i Prisht­inës
 Fakul­teti i Inx­hinierisëElek­trike dhe Kom­pju­terike
 (Nderte­sa e lab­o­ra­toreve)
 Bregu i Diel­lit, p.n. 10000 Prisht­inë Repub­li­ka e Kosovës
Tel: +381 (0) 38 551 234
Email: v.…
​Pres­i­dent: Vjoll­ca Belegu-Caka
Sec­re­tary: Feh­mi Bojniku
IARU liai­son:  Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 29-May-2018
KUWAIT Kuwait Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [KARS]
Loca­tion: Block No. 2, Street No. 12, Build­ing No. 2, Al Sur­ra
Address: P.O. Box 5240, Safat 13053
Tel: +965 533‑3762 <HQ>
Fax: +965 531‑1188 <HQ>
Email: 9.…
Chair­man: Ahmed Alholy, 9K2DB (Act­ing)
Vice Pres­i­dent: Ahmed Alholy, 9K2DB
Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary: Bad­er Alduwaisan, 9K2RS
IARU liai­son: Act­ing Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 19-Jul-2021

KYRGYZSTAN Ama­teur Radio Union of the Kyr­gyz Repub­lic (ARUKR)
Address: P.O. Box 745, Bishkek 720017
Email: br… <EX7DY>, ex.… <EX0DX>
Chair­man of the Board: Dmit­ry Sen­te­mov, EX7DY
IARU Liai­son: Andrea Bianchi, EX0DX
Last updat­ed: 12-Jun-2021


LATVIA Latvi­jas Radioa­matieru Liga [LRAL]
Loca­tion: Jek­abpils iela 13, Riga LV-1003
Address: P.O. Box 164, LV-1010 Riga
Tel: +371 292 68040 <YL2FD>
Email: l.… <HQ>
Chair­man: Andris Brune­nieks, YL2FD
Deputy Chair­man: Imants Tuk­leris, YL3CT
Sec­re­tary: Juris Vale­nieks, YL2AO
IARU liai­son: Chair­man
Last updat­ed: 5‑Oc­to­ber-2017

LEBANON Radio Ama­teurs of Lebanon [RAL]
Address: P.O. Box 11–8888, Beirut
Tel: +961 70 970922 <OD5TE>, +961 3 633022 <OD5RI>
Email: r.… <HQ>, o.… <OD5RI>, o.… <OD5RW>
Pres­i­dent: Hani Raad, OD5TE
Sec­re­tary: Riri Azrak, OD5RI
IARU liai­son: John Gibran, OD5RW
Last updat­ed: 13-June-2013

LESOTHO Lesotho Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [LARS]
Address: P.O. Box 4307, Maseru 104
Tel: +266 630 17917
Fax: +266 223 10358
Email: 7.… <7P8MS>, l.… <Leon Tromp>
Pres­i­dent: Leon Tromp
Sec­re­tary: Mar­tin Stock­dale, 7P8MS
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 23-Feb-2005

LIBERIA Liberia Radio Ama­teur Asso­ci­a­tion [LRAA]
Address: c/o I. Rich­mond Hard­ing, 641 Clifton Ave. Ext., Jack­sonville, FL 32211 USA
Tel: +231 880 438 223 <EL2BG>, +1 (916) 706 5550 <EL2BG>
Fax: +1 (904) 379 0057 <EL2BG>
Email: e… <EL2BG>, k.….… <EL2BG>
Pres­i­dent: Rich­mond Hard­ing, EL2BG
Sec­re­tary: Amos Z. Ben­jamin, EL2AB
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 23-jun-2014

LIECHTENSTEIN Ama­teur­funk Vere­in Liecht­en­stein [AFVL]
Address: P.O. Box 222, FL-9495 Triesen
Email: c.… <HQ>
Chair­man: Alois Buechel, HB0AB
Sec­re­tary: Walde­mar Rue­ti­mann, HB0WR
IARU liai­son: Peter Ritzer, HB0PR
Last updat­ed: 23-Feb-2024

LITHUANIA Lietu­vos Radi­jo Mege­ju Draugi­ja [LRMD], Lithuan­ian Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety
Address: P.O. Box 1000, LT-01014 Vilnius‑1
Tel: +370 (657) 57373
Email: h.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Valer­i­jus Simu­lik, LY2QT
Sec­re­tary: Saulius Dreinius, LY1VP
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed:  22-Jun-2022

LUXEMBOURG Radioa­ma­teurs du Lux­em­bourg [RL]
Address: PO Box 1352, L‑1013 Lux­em­bourg, Grand-Duchy of Lux­em­bourg
Pres­i­dent: Michel Friederich, LX1KQ
Sec­re­tary:  Neck­el Reu­land, LX1NR
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed:  12-Dec-2021


MACAU Asso­ci­a­cao dos Radioa­madores de Macau [ARM]
Address: Box 6018, Macau SAR, Chi­na
Tel: +853 6881515
Fax: +853 880120
Email: a.…
Pres­i­dent: Savio Leong, XX9BB
Sec­re­tary: Tsang Hing Bun, XX9BH
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 15-Dec-2009

MALAYSIA Malaysian Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ters’ Soci­ety [MARTS]
Address: P.O. Box 10777, 50724 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 (19) 3331416 <9M2IR>, +60 (16) 2750246 <9M2CJ>
Email:  p.… <9M2IR>, s.… <9M2PRO>
Pres­i­dent: Mohd Aris Bin Bernawi, 9M2IR
Sec­re­tary: Zanir­ul Akhmal Bin Zanirun, 9M2PRO
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 22-Jun-2015

MALI Club des Radioa­ma­teurs et Affil­ies du Mali [CRAM]
Address: P.O. Box 9A, Kati, MALI
Tel: +223 227 21 14
Fax: +223 227 21 14
Email: m.… <TZ6AMT>, c.… <TZ6HY>
Pres­i­dent: Hamadoun Yat­tara, TZ6HY
Sec­re­tary: Amadou Madany Tall, TZ6AMT
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed:  24-Nov-2016

MALTA Mal­ta Ama­teur Radio League [MARL]
Address:  Mdi­na Road, Attard  ATD 9036
Tel: 00356 99809750 <9H1GW>
Email: 9.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent:  For­tu­na­to Bon­ni­ci, 9H1ES
Sec­re­tary: Emmanuel Grech, 9H1GW
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 02-Apr-2024

MAURITIUS Mau­ri­tius Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [MARS]
Loca­tion: #6 Shas­tri Road, Can­dos, Qua­tre-Bornes
Address: P.O. Box 104, Qua­tre Bornes
Tel: +230 5729 8123 <3B8DU>, +230 5774 0162 <3B8BBD>
Email: 3.…  <3B8MARS>
Pres­i­dent: Jean Marc Mom­ple, 3B8DU
Sec­re­tary: Vick­ram Mungul, 3B8HJ
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed:  29-Jan-2023

MEXICO Fed­eración Mex­i­cana de Radio Exper­i­men­ta­dores [FMRE]
Loca­tion: Moli­nos No. 51 despa­cho 307–308, Col. Mix­coac, Ben­i­to Juarez, 03910 Mex­i­co, D.F.
Address: P.O. Box 907, 06000 Mex­i­co, D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5563–1405 <HQ>
Fax: +52 (55) 5563–1405 <HQ>
Email: xe.… <XE1EW>
Pres­i­dent: Jesus Sarmien­to, XE1EW
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 20-Octl-2024

MOLDOVA Aso­ci­a­tia Radioam­a­to­rilor din Repub­li­ca Moldo­va [ARM]
Address: P.O. Box 1414, MD-2043 Kishinev
Tel: +373 67157388 <ER1FF>
Email: e.… <ER1FF>, e.… <ER1FF>, v.… <ER1BF>
Pres­i­dent: Alex­ey Borets, ER1FF
Vice Pres­i­dent: Valery Grib­incea, ER1BF
Sec­re­tary: Max­im Guzun ER1MAX
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 1‑Sept-2023

MONACO Asso­ci­a­tion des Radio-Ama­teurs de Mona­co [ARM]
Address: P.O. Box 2, MC-98001 Mona­co Cedex
Tel: +377 (93) 254727 <HQ>, +377 (93) 309752 <3A2CR>, +377 (93) 303498 <3A2LF>
Email: c.…
Pres­i­dent: Robert Scar­lot, 3A2CR
Sec­re­tary: Claude Pas­set, 3A2LF
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 10-Dec-2016

MONGOLIA Mon­go­lian Radio Sports Fed­er­a­tion [MRSF]
Address: PO Box 573, Ulaan­baatar 16092, Mon­go­lia
Tel/Fax: +976 11 366376
Email: m.… <HQ>, j.… <JT1CS>
Pres­i­dent: Bat­jar­gal Jamiyan
Sec­re­tary: Bat-Erdene Zevgee, JT1CS
IARU Liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 22-Mar-2024

MONTENEGRO Mon­tene­grin Ama­teur Radio Pool [MARP]
Address: Rati­sev­ina bb, 85347 Iga­lo
Tel: +382 67 372 273 <4O9TTT>, +382 68 300 000 <4O3A>
Email: <HQ>, m.… <4O9TTT>, 4.….@t‑ <4O3A>
Pres­i­dent: Marko Tomaše­vić, 4O9TTT
IARU Liai­son: Ranko Boca, 4O3A
Last updat­ed: 25-April-2018

MONTSERRAT Montser­rat Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [MARS]
Address: P.O. Box 448, Brades, Montser­rat  MSR 1110
Tel: +664 491‑2077 & +664 495‑0745 <VP2MQ>
Email: j.…
Pres­i­dent: Vic­tor James, VP2MQ
Sec­re­tary: Rudolph Christo­pher, VP2MRC
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 10-Feb-2015

MOROCCO Asso­ci­a­tion Royale des Radioa­ma­teurs du Maroc [ARRAM] 
Loca­tion: 274, Rue Rouifia Ben Thabit, Avi­a­tion Sous­si, Rabat
Address: P.O. Box 299, Rabat
Tel: +212 537 67 37 03 <HQ>
Fax: +212 537 67 47 57 <HQ>
Email: ar.… <HQ>, ar.… <CN8HAN>
Pres­i­dent: Hous­ni Bensli­mane, CN8BE
Sec­re­tary: Ahmed El Bachar, CN8EG​
IARU liai­son:  Has­san Nac­er, CN8HAN
Last updat­ed: 19-Jul-2017

MOZAMBIQUE Liga de Radioa­madores de Mocam­bique [LRM]
Address: P.O. Box 25, Maputo, Mozam­bique
Tel: +258 1 30 41 07
Pres­i­dent: Ansel­mo Fer­rao, C91D
Sec­re­tary: Vacant
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 22-SEPT-2022

MYANMAR Bur­ma Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ting Soci­ety [BARTS]
In Cal­en­dar No. 189 dat­ed 17 March 2010 the IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil solicit­ed evi­dence that the Bur­ma Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ting Soci­ety (BARTS) still exists. No evi­dence of its con­tin­ued exis­tence was received. In accor­dance with Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 09–1 (Revised 2010), BARTS has been deter­mined no longer to exist. Any asso­ci­a­tion of radio ama­teurs claim­ing to rep­re­sent Myan­mar shall be required to apply for mem­ber­ship in accor­dance with the IARU Con­sti­tu­tion and Bylaws.


NAMIBIA Namib­ian Ama­teur Radio League [NARL]
Address: P.O. Box 1100, Wind­hoek 10005
Tel: +264 (81) 124 0348 <V51JP>
Email:   mu.… <V51JP>
 Wern­er Muller, V51JP
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 11-Sep-2019

NETHERLANDS Verenig­ing voor Exper­i­menteel , Radio Onder­zoek in Ned­er­land [VERON]
Loca­tion: Simon Stev­in­weg 12, Arn­hem
Address: PO Box 1166, 6801 BD Arn­hem
Tel: +31 6 39668309 <HQ>
Email: s.… <PA2LO>, <VERON Cen­tral Bureau>, voor.… <PA0AGF>
Pres­i­dent: Remy Denker, PA0AGF
Sec­re­tary: Gert van Loo, PA2LO
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent and Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 20-Apr-2024

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (See Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean)

NEW CALEDONIA Asso­ci­a­tion des Radio-Ama­teurs, de Nou­velle-Cale­donie [ARANC]
Address: P.O. Box 3956, Noumea 98847
Tel: +687 271563 <FK8GM>
Fax: +687 271563 <FK8GM>
Email: e.… <FK8GM>
Pres­i­dent: Jean-Philippe Tor­re­grossa, FK8FK
Sec­re­tary: Georges Toroti, FK8FSo
IARU Liai­son: Eric Espos­i­to, FK8GM
Last updat­ed: 09-Mar-2003

NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Asso­ci­a­tion of Radio Trans­mit­ters [NZART]
Loca­tion: 1/15 Geange Street Upper Hutt 5018
Address: P.O. Box 40–525, Upper Hutt 5140
Tel: +64 (4) 939 2189 <HQ>
Email: nz.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Daniel Van­den­berg, ZL2DRV
Sec­re­tary: Deb­by Mor­gan, ZL2DL
IARU liai­son: John Mori­ar­ty, ZL2JPM
Last updat­ed: 18-Aug-2023

NICARAGUA Club de Radio-Exper­i­men­ta­dores de Nicaragua [CREN]
Address: P.O. Box 925, Man­agua
Tel: +505 (2) 2266–9308 <HQ>
Fax: +505 (2) 2266–9308 <HQ>, +505 (2) 86817400 <Cell>
Email: c.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Juan de la Cruz Rodriguez, YN1J
Sec­re­tary: Mela­nia Calero, YN1ZMC / Win­ston Flo­res Lopez, YN1ZWF
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 19-Nov-2012

NIGERIA Nige­ria Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [NARS]
Loca­tion: 5, 6921A Road, Gwar­in­pa Hous­ing Estate
Address: PO Box 7502 Wuse, Zone 3, 90003, Abu­ja, F.C.T
Tel: +234 (09) 6725612 <HQ>, +234 08037877003 <5N0MBT>
Fax: +234 (09) 6725612 <HQ>
Email: t.… <5N7MBT>
Pres­i­dent: Muham­madu B. Tunau, 5N7MBT
Last updat­ed: 6‑Oct-2018

NORTH MACEDONIA Radioa­mater­s­ki Sojuz na Make­doni­ja [RSM], Radioa­ma­teur Soci­ety of Mace­do­nia
Loca­tion: Grad­s­ki zid blok 5, 1000 Skop­je
Address: P.O. Box 477, 1000 Skop­je
Emailz3… <z31rm>, ra.… <HQ>
Web: <Z37RSM>
Pres­i­dent: Djoko Djord­je­vic, Z35U
IARU liai­son: Todor­ovs­ki Todor, Z31RM
Last updat­ed: 5‑May-2023

NORWAY Norsk Radio Relae Liga [NRRL]
Loca­tion: Nedre Rom­men 5 E, N‑0988 Oslo 9
Address: P.O. Box 20, Hau­gen­stua, N‑0915 Oslo
Tel: +47 (22) 213790 <HQ>, 
Email: n.… <HQ>, l.… <LA3PNA>, o.… <LA2RR>
Pres­i­dent: Thomas Knut­sen, LA3PNA
IARU liai­son: Ole Garpes­tad, LA2RR
Last updat­ed: 1‑Aug-2023


OMAN The Roy­al Omani Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [ROARS]
Address: P.O. Box 981, Mus­cat, Postal Code 100
Tel: +968 24597544 <HQ>
Fax: +968 24594377 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>
Chair­man: H.E. Dr. Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Futhaisi
Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al: Brig. Gen­er­al Abdul­razak Al Shah­warzi, A41JT
IARU liai­son: Abdal­la Dar­wish Al Qas­mi, A41KB
Last updat­ed: 30-Nov-2016


PAKISTAN Pak­istan Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [PARS]
Address: P.O. Box 1450, Islam­abad 44000
Tel: +92 (51) 2875099 & 2876077 <HQ>, +923005230052 <AP2NK>, 0333–5572143 <AP2MAT>, +9230068841014 <AP2AJM>
Fax: +92 (51) 2827581 <HQ>
Email: a.… <AP2NK>, ta.… <AP2MAT>, mu.… <AP2AJM>
Pres­i­dent: Nasir Khan, AP2NK
Sec­re­tary: Muham­mad Ahmad Tariq Fani, AP2MAT
IARU liai­son: Mubeen Ajmal, AP2AJM
Last updat­ed: 19-Sep-2021

PANAMA Liga Pana­me­na de Radioafi­ciona­dos [LPRA]
Loca­tion: Aveni­da Prin­ci­pal Changuino­la, Provin­cia de Bocas del Toro, Pana­ma
Address: PO Box 0834–00175, Pana­ma, Repub­lic of Pana­ma
Tel: +507 6480–9757 <HP4BQS>, +507 6538–4620 <HP8AJT>
Email: p… <HP4BQS>
Pres­i­dent: Dowgert Sabin, HP4BQS
Sec­re­tary: Mer­cedez Zarza Vil­la, HP9AZM
IARU liai­son: Vacant
Last updat­ed: 02-Nov-2021

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Papua New Guinea Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [PNGARS]
In Cal­en­dar No. 189 dat­ed 17 March 2010 the IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil solicit­ed evi­dence that the Papua New Guinea Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety (PNGARS) still exists. No evi­dence of its con­tin­ued exis­tence was received. In accor­dance with Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 09–1 (Revised 2010), PNGARS has been deter­mined no longer to exist. Any asso­ci­a­tion of radio ama­teurs claim­ing to rep­re­sent Papua New Guinea shall be required to apply for mem­ber­ship in accor­dance with the IARU Con­sti­tu­tion and Bylaws.

PARAGUAY Radio Club Paraguayo [RCP]
Loca­tion: Humai­ta 1057, Asun­cion 1131
Address: P.O. Box 512, Asun­cion 1209
Tel: +595 (21) 446124 <HQ>, (21) 223069 <ZP5CGL>
Fax: +595 (21) 446124 <HQ>
Email: h.… <ZP5HSB>
Pres­i­dent: Car­los Mere­les Somers, ZP5MSC
Sec­re­tary: Juan Car­los Vil­lal­ba, ZP5VIA
IARU liai­son: Her­nan­do Bertoni, ZP5HSB
Last updat­ed: 15-Nov-2016

PERU Radio Club Peru­ano [RCP]
Loca­tion: Av. Los Ruisenores Este 245, Urb. El Palo­mar, San Isidro, Lima 27
Address: P.O. Box 538, Lima 100
Tel: +51 (1) 224‑0860 <HQ>, +51 (1) 224‑2792
Email: oa… <HQ>, oa.… <OA4AMN>
Pres­i­dent: Oscar Pan­cor­vo Romero, OA4AMN
Vice Pres­i­dent: David Tor­res Antenuc­ci, OA4YZ
Sec­re­tary: Aure­lio Piag­gio Villavicencio,OA4AZV
IARU liai­son: Oscar Pan­cor­vo Romero, OA4AMN
Last updat­ed: 12-Feb-2024

PHILIPPINES Philip­pine Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [PARA]
Loca­tion: 5th Floor NTC Build­ing, BIR Road, Dil­i­man, Que­zon City
Address: P.O. Box 1932, Que­zon City Post Office, NIA Road, Dil­i­man, 1100 Que­zon City
Tel: +63 9171564715  <HQ>
Email: p.… <HQ>, c.… <DU1CHN>, d.…d.… <DU1SVY>
Pres­i­dent & Chair­man: Ramon O. Purug­ganan, DU1CHN
Vice Pres­i­dent: Romeo Isidro, DU1SMQ
Sec­re­tary: Lawrence M. Atana­cio, DU1SVY
IARU Liai­son: Leo M. Almazan, DU3ZX
Last updat­ed: 08-May-2024

PITCAIRN ISLAND Pit­cairn Island Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [PIARA]
Address: P.O. Box 88, Adamstown, Pit­cairn Island, South Pacif­ic Ocean via New Zealand
Tel: +81 423 71–5886 <VP6BK>
Fax: +81 423 89–3824 <VP6BK>
Email: ja.… <VP6BK>
Pres­i­dent: Vacant
Sec­re­tary: Bet­ty Chris­t­ian, VP6YL
IARU liai­son: Kan Mizoguchi, VP6BK, 4–5‑3 Sakura­gao­ka, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206‑0013, Japan
Last updat­ed: 10-May-2019

POLAND Pol­s­ki Zwiazek Krotko­falow­cow [PZK], Pol­ish Ama­teur Radio Union
Loca­tion: ul. Wojs­ka Pol­skiego 65 A, 85–825 Byd­goszcz
Address: P.O. Box 54, 85–613 Byd­goszcz 13
Tel: +48 52 391 37 31 <HQ>,
Fax: +48 52 372 16 15 <HQ>
Email: h.… <HQ>, sp.… <SP5E>, s.… <SQ5CKZ>
Pres­i­dent: Krzysztof Horoszkiewicz, SP5E
Sec­re­tary: Cezary Zych, SQ5CKZ
IARU liai­son: Pawel Zakrzews­ki, SP7TEV
Last updat­ed: 15-May-2024

PORTUGAL Rede dos Emis­sores Por­tugue­ses [REP]
Address:   Aveni­da Yass­er Arafat n 4 loja A, 2700–375 Amado­ra
Tel: +351 213 461 186 <HQ>,
Fax: +351 213 420 448 <HQ>
Email: r.… <HQ>, c.… <CT1END>
Pres­i­dent: Jose Car­los Beato Nora, CT1END
Vice Pres­i­dent: Jose Luis Cal­i­for­nia Caldeira, CT2GOY
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 30-Jun-2019


QATAR Qatar Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [QARS]
Loca­tion: 82 Suhaim Bin Hamad Rd., Doha
Address: P.O. Box 22122, Doha
Tel: +974 (4) 477911 <HQ>
Fax: +974 (4) 477955 <HQ>
Email: a.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: H.E. Abdul­lah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, A71AU
Sec­re­tary: Saba’an Mus­mar Al-Jas­sim, A71BP
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 6‑Feb-2023


REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) Kore­an Ama­teur Radio League [KARL]
Loca­tion: 2F KARL Build­ing, 1584 Jung­bu-daero, Cheoin-gu, Yon­gin-si, Gyeong­gi-do, Korea, Zip code 17144
Address: C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul , Korea
Tel: +82 (2) 575‑9580 <HQ>, +82 (31) 321‑2222
Fax: +82 (2) 576‑8574 <HQ>, +82 (31) 321‑8574
Email: hl.… <HQ>, ko.… <HL1IWD>
Pres­i­dent: Choi Hyeong Moon, HL4CFN
Vice Pres­i­dent: Kim Deok Hyeong, DS3BBC
Vice Pres­i­dent: Kim Sang Kyu, DS4CSD
Vice Pres­i­dent: Sa Gong Mun Sang, 6K5SUH
Sec­re­tary: Park, Yeong-Lan, DS1SOT
IARU liai­son: Dr. Sung-Ki Lee, HL1IWD
Last updat­ed: 03-May-2023

ROMANIA Fed­er­a­tia Romana de Radioam­a­torism [FRR]
Loca­tion: Str. Nico­lae Fil­ipes­cu, Nr. 53–55, Sect 2, Bucharest
Address: P.O. Box 22–50, RO-014780 Bucharest
Tel: +40 (21) 3155575 <HQ>
Fax: +40 (21) 3155575 <HQ>
Email: f.… <HQ>, yo3… <YO3CZW>
Pres­i­dent: Rabi­na Dan Lucian, YO9FNP
Sec­re­tary: Mitrut Mar­ius, YO3CZW
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 12-Apr-2019

RUSSIA Soyuz Radi­olyu­bitelei Rossii [SRR] , Russ­ian Ama­teur Radio Union
Address: P.O. Box 88, Moscow 119311
Tel: +7 (495) 485 4755 <HQ>
Fax: +7 (495) 485 4981 <HQ>
Email: <HQ>, rt.… <R5AA>, r.… <RV3DA>, rv.… <RV3DUT>
Pres­i­dent:  Igor Grig­oriev, RV3DA
Vice Pres­i­dent: Roman Thomas, R5AA
Sec­re­tary: Dmit­ry Voronin, RA5DU (ex RV3DUT)
IARU liai­son: Vice Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 08-Nov-2023

RWANDA Rwan­da Ama­teur Radio Union [RARU]
Address: RARU, 7289 Kigali-RWAN­DA
Tel:  +250 252 584562
Fax:  +250 252 584563
Email: i.…
Chair­per­son: Eurald Gak­wan­di, e.…
Sec­re­tary: Solange Ningabire, s.…
Last updat­ed: 05-Aug-2014


SAMOA Samoa Ama­teur Radio Club [SARC]
Address: P.O. Box 2015, Apia
Tel: +685 24261 <5W1AT>, +685 7770013 <5W1AT cell>
Fax: +685 23173 <Mar­ty Maessen>
Email: b.… <5W1AT>
Pres­i­dent: Jim Moore, 5W1AC
Sec­re­tary: Mar­ty Maessen, 5W1AT
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 01-Aug-2005

SAN MARINO Asso­ci­azione Radioam­a­tori, del­la Repub­bli­ca di San Mari­no [ARRSM]
Address: P.O. Box 77, RSM-47890 San Mari­no
Tel: +39 347 2620489 <T77KS>
Email: <HQ>, t… <T77KS>
Pres­i­dent: Mat­teo Napoli­tano, T77NM
Sec­re­tary: John Cec­chet­ti, T77CD
IARU liai­son: Gior­gio Min­guzzi, T77KS
Last updat­ed: 11-Dec-2012

SAUDI ARABIA Sau­di Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [SARS]
Address: Riyadh – Anas Ibn Malik Rd 3898, Postal code 13325–6577
Tel: +966505447705 <7Z1FM>
Email: 7z.… <7Z1FM>, hz.… <HZ1BF>
Chair­man: Badr bin Fahd Al Saud, HZ1BF
IARU liai­son: Fahd Muham­mad Almuhaitheef, 7Z1FM
Last updat­ed: 27-Oct-2019

SENEGAL Asso­ci­a­tion des Radio-Ama­teurs du Sene­gal [ARAS]
Loca­tion: Immeu­ble des Col­is Postaux, Avenue El-Hadj Mal­ick Sy, Dakar
Address: P.O. Box 971, Dakar
Tel: +221 (8) 217034 <HQ>
Fax: +221 (8) 217032 <HQ>
Email: t.… <6W1KI>, <6W1QL>
Pres­i­dent: Moustapha Diop, 6W1KI
Sec­re­tary: Jules Dial­lo, 6W1QL
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 29-Nov-2016

SERBIA Ama­teur Radio Union of Ser­bia [SRS], YU1SRS
Loca­tion: Trg Repub­like 3/VI, Beograd
Address: P.O. Box 48, YU-11001 Beograd
Tel: +381 (11) 3033 581
Email: s.… <HQ>, z.…… <YU1EW>, s.….….… <YT1XX>
Pres­i­dent: Slo­bo­dan Stankovic, YT2SS
Sec­re­tary: Vaso Nas­ta­sic, YT1XX
IARU liai­son: Zoran Mlade­n­ovic, YU1EW
Last updat­ed: 7‑June-2023

SEYCHELLES Sey­chelles Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [SARA]
Address: La Mis­ere, c/o PO Box 609, Vic­to­ria, Mahé
Tel: 2727757
Email: ri… <S79RP>
Chair­per­son: Richard Perks, S79RP
Sec­re­tary: Albert Qua­tre
IARU liai­son: Chair­per­son
Last updat­ed: 08-Apr-2021

SIERRA LEONE Sier­ra Leone Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [SLARS]
Address: P.O. Box 10, Free­town
Tel: +232 223335
Pres­i­dent: Mrs. Cas­san­dra Davies, 9L1YL
Sec­re­tary: William Sawyer, 9L1WS
IARU liai­son: Alfred Koro­ma, 9L1AK
Last updat­ed: 23-Feb-2005

SINGAPORE Sin­ga­pore Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ting Soci­ety [SARTS]
Address: Robin­son Road PO Box 2728, Sin­ga­pore 904728
Tel:  +65 6258 0164 <9V1YC>
Email:  sa… <9V1AW>
Pres­i­dent: James Brooks, 9V1YC
Vice Pres­i­dent: Ben­jamin Koe, 9V1KB
Sec­re­tary: Aaron Wong, 9V1AW
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 15-Apr-2021

SLOVAKIA Sloven­sky Zvaz Radioa­materov [SZR] , Slo­vak Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion [SARA]
Loca­tion: Mlyn­s­ka 4, 900 31 Stu­pa­va, Slo­va­kia
Address: PO Box 14, 900 31 Stu­pa­va, Slo­va­kia
Tel: +421 (905) 533719 <OM3EI>
Fax: +421 (2) 6224 7501 <HQ>
Email: s.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Roman Kud­lac, OM3EI
Vice Pres­i­dent: Ste­fan Horecky, OM3JW, Branislav Daras, OM2FY
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 05-Feb-2016

SLOVENIA Zveza Radioa­mater­jev Sloveni­je [ZRS]
Address: Bez­jako­va uli­ca 151, Pekre, SI-2341 Lim­bus
Email: z.… <HQ>, s… <S51FB>
Pres­i­dent: Kon­rad Krizanec, S58R
IARU Liai­son: Miha Habic, S51FB
Last updat­ed: 19-Mar-2023

SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Radio Soci­ety [SIRS]
Address: Closed since 2017
Tel: +677 30057 <H44GP>
Email: g.…
Pres­i­dent: Greg Pear­son, H44GP
Last updat­ed: 28-Jan-2020

SOUTH AFRICA South African Radio League [SARL]
Loca­tion: Sender Tech­nol­o­gy Park, Octave Street, Hon­ey­dew, Johan­nes­burg
Address: P.O. Box 1721, Strubensvallei 1735
Tel: +27 (087) 822 1464 <HQ>
Fax: +27 086 299 0566 <HQ>
Email: a.… <HQ>, s.… <ZS4BS>
Pres­i­dent: Nico van Rens­burg, ZS6QL
Sec­re­tary: Den­nis Green, ZS4BS
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
SARL Office: Kel­ley Dorey
Last updat­ed: 2‑June-2022

SPAIN Union de Radioafi­ciona­dos Espanoles [URE]
Loca­tion: Aveni­da Monte Iguel­do 102, E‑28053 Madrid
Address: P.O. Box 55055, E‑28053 Madrid
Tel: +34 914 77 1413 <HQ>,
Email: u.… <HQ>, e.… <EA7X>
Pres­i­dent: Vic­tor Spin­o­la Mena, EA7FUN
Sec­re­tary: Roman Sier­ra Ser­ra­no, EA1TL
IARU liai­son: Jose Ramon Hier­ro, EA7X and Gas­par Miro, EA6AMM
Last updat­ed: 15-Jun-2024

SRI LANKA Radio Soci­ety of Sri Lan­ka [RSSL]
Address: P.O. Box 907, Colom­bo
Tel: +94 71 135 6113 or +61 407 954 197
Email: pr.… <4S6TMP>, sp.… <4S7RO>
Pres­i­dent: Tha­ranga Pre­mathi­lake, 4S6TMP
Sec­re­tary: Vic­tor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK
IARU liai­son: Ron Goonetilleke, 4S7RO
Last updat­ed: 04-Mar-2023

ST. KITTS & NEVIS St. Kitts-Nevis Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [SKNAARS]
Address: P.O. Box 827, #3B Bernard Audain Dr., Tay­lor’s, Bas­seterre, St. Kitts
Tel: 869–660-4936/869–662-9099
Email: sk.…
Pres­i­dent:  David Han­ley, V44HD
Vice Pres­i­dent: Cedric Jef­fers V44KBJ
Sec­re­tary: Carl Her­bert, V44KD
IARU liai­son: Carl Her­bert, V44KD
Last updat­ed: 25-June-2024

ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES St. Vin­cent & the Grenadines Ama­teur Radio Club [SVGARC]
Loca­tion: Kingstown, St. Vin­cent & The Grenadines
Address: PO Box 16, Kingstown, St Vin­cent & The Grenadines  VC0100
Tel: 784–457-5857 <J85K>, 784–457-4437 <J85I>
Email: s.… <HQ>, … <J85K>, b…  <J85I>
Pres­i­dent: Kumar Per­saud, J85K
Sec­re­tary: Sher­ry Ann Abbott, J88NSA
IARU liai­son:  Robert Young J85I
Last updat­ed: 18-Mar-2013

SUDAN Sudan Ama­teur Radio Union [SARU]
Address: Khar­toum, P.O. Box 2299 Code 11111, Sudan
Tel: +249 9 1296 3115, What­sapp: +249 9 2654 0764
Email: S…  <HQ>, s…… <ST2M>
 Ahmed Abdel­rah­man Abuzeid Ahmed, ST2BZ
Vice pres­i­dent: Faisal Ismail Ibrahim Hamdoun,ST2FH
Sec­re­tary & Exec­u­tive Direc­tor:: Mag­di Osman Ahmed Abdel­rahim, ST2M
IARU liai­son: Mag­di Osman Ahmed Abdel­rahim, ST2M
Last updat­ed: 22-Aug-2022

SURINAME Verenig­ing van Radio Ama­teurs in Suri­name [VRAS] Mem­ber­ship Rights Tem­porar­i­ly Sus­pend­ed

SWAZILAND (See Eswa­ti­ni)

SWEDEN Forenin­gen Sveriges San­daream­a­tor­er [SSA]
Loca­tion: Ture­bergs Alle 2, Sol­len­tu­na
Address: P.O. Box 45, SE-19121 Sol­len­tu­na
Tel: +46 (70) 958 57 05 <HQ>
Email: h.….… <SM5HJZ>, pr.… <SM0HEV>, sm.… <SM5PHU>, sm.… <SM6EAN>
Chair­man: Jens Zan­der, SM0HEV
Vice Chair­man: Jonas Hultin, SM5PHU 
Office Man­ag­er: Jonas Ytter­man, SM5HJZ
IARU liai­son: Mats Espling, SM6EAN
Last updat­ed: 30-Jul-2021

SWITZERLAND Union Schweiz­erisch­er Kurzwellen-Ama­teure [USKA]
Address: Bahn­hof­s­trasse 26, CH-5000 Aarau
Tel: +41 (79) 842 65 59 <HQ>, +41 (79) 311 46 71 <HB9ALH>
Email: p.… <HB9ALH>, s.… <HB9AHL>
Pres­i­dent: Bernard Wehrli, HB9ALH
Sec­re­tary: Willy Ruesch, HB9AHL
IARU liai­son: Urs Lott, HB9BKT
Last updat­ed: 23-June-2024

SYRIA Syr­i­an Sci­en­tif­ic Tech­ni­cal Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety (SSTARS)
Address: P.O. Box 245, Dam­as­cus
Tel: +963 (11) 6121279 <HQ>, +963 (11) 3114540 <YK1AO>
Fax: +963 (11) 3114540 <YK1AO>
Email: t.… <HQ>, s.… <YK1AO>
Pres­i­dent: Omar Shab­sigh, YK1AO
Sec­re­tary: Ms San­abel Abd Al-Wahed, YK1BE
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 15-Feb-2012


TAJIKISTAN Tajik Ama­teur Radio League [TARL]
Address: P.O. Box 303, Dushanbe 734001
Tel: +992 (372) 212844 <HQ>, (372) 245432 <EY8AA>, (918) 617373 <EY8MM>
Fax: +992 (372) 212847 <HQ>
Email: n.… <HQ>, e.… <EY8MM>
Pres­i­dent: Masud M. Tur­soon-Zadeh, EY8AA
Sec­re­tary: Nodir M. Tur­soon-Zadeh, EY8MM
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 19-Apr-2012

TANZANIA Tan­za­nia Ama­teur Radio Club [TARC]
Address: P.O. Box 2958, Dar-es-Salaam
Tel: +255 755 019288 <5H3HO>, +255 673 019112 <5H3HO>
Email: k.… <5H3OKN,  z.… <5H3HO>
Chair­man: Eliz­a­beth Majori
Sec­re­tary: Osmund Kipen­gele, 5H3OKN
IARU liai­son and Deputy Sec­re­tary: Hidan Ric­co, 5H3HO
Last updat­ed: 01-Feb-2023

THAILAND Radio Ama­teur Soci­ety of Thai­land [RAST]
Address: G.P.O. Box 2008, Bangkok 10501
Tel: +66 (8) 7557–7773 <E21EIC>
Fax: +66 (2) 8720565 <E21EIC>
Email: t.… <HS0ZDX>, e.….… <E21EIC>
Pres­i­dent: Dr. Jakkree Han­tongkom, HS1FVL
Sec­re­tary: Chalermphol Muangam­phan, E21EIC
IARU Liai­son: Tony Waltham, HS0ZDX
Last updat­ed: 19-Aug-2014

TONGA Ama­teur Radio Club of Ton­ga [ARCOT]
Address: c/o Man­fred Schus­ter, P.O. Box 1078, Nuku’alo­fa
Tel: 676 22677 <A35MS>
Sec­re­tary: Man­fred Schus­ter, A35MS
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 03-Jun-2005

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Trinidad and Toba­go Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [TTARS]
Loca­tion: 469 South­ern Main Road, Rousil­lac
Address: 469 South­ern Main Road, Rousil­lac, Trinidad and Toba­go
Tel: +1 868–740‑5436 <9Y4JAG>, +1 868–360‑9009 <9Y4DG>, +1 868–399‑2472 <9Z4NED>
Email:  br.… <9Y4JAG>, tt.… <9Y4DG>, tt.… <9Z4NED>
Pres­i­dent: Bramie Maharaj, 9Y4JAG
Sec­re­tary: Dev Gosine, 9Y4DG
IARU liai­son: Nadeem Hydal, 9Z4NED
Last updat­ed: 25-Aug-2024

TUNISIA Asso­ci­a­tion Des Radio Ama­teurs Tunisiens [ARAT]
Loca­tion: 01, Rue  du Par­adis, Ari­ana, Tunis
Address:  ARAT, c/o Ashraf Chaa­bane, N92 Grem­da Street  km 2, Sfax, CP3032
Tel: +216 22670026
Email: a.… <3V8BB/KF5EYY>, m.… <3V8SA>
Pres­i­dent: Ashraf Chaa­bane, 3V8BB/KF5EYY
Pres­i­dent: Wael Arfaoui, 3V8SA
Sec­re­tary: Mon­tas­sar Kam­makh, 3V8SA
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last Updat­ed: 01-Mar-2015

TURKEY Turk­ish Radio Ama­teurs Soci­ety [TRAC]
Address: P:K 73, TR-07002 Murat­pasa-Antalya, Turkey
Tel: +90 532 376 5707 <TA1E>, +90 535 324 3406 <TA4E>
Email: az.… <TA1E>, ta… <TA1E>, 34.… <TA4E>
Pres­i­dent: Aziz Şasa, TA1E
Sec­re­tary: Muhsin Bozkurt, TA4E
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 08-Mar-2024

TURKMENISTAN Liga Radi­olyu­bite­ley Turk­menistana [LRT], Turk­menistan Radio Ama­teur League
Address: P.O. Box 555, Ash­ga­bat 744020
Tel: +993 12 460 600 <EZ8BO>, 443349 <EZ8BD>
Email: e.…
Pres­i­dent: Berdy Adakow, EZ8AI
Sec­re­tary: Ele­na Sviri­do­va, EZ8YL
IARU liai­son: Eugene Zwontsov, EZ8BO
Last updat­ed: 23-Feb-2005

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS Turks and Caicos Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [TACARS]
Address: 11013 Farm­wood Dri­ve, Raleigh, NC 27613 USA
Tel: +1 919–426-8051 (VP5/K4QPL)
Email: k.… <VP5/K4QPL>
Pres­i­dent: Fred­er­ick Braith­waite, VP5FEB
Act­ing Sec­re­tary: Jim Jor­dan VP5/K4QPL
IARU liai­son: Act­ing Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 19-Oct-2022


U.S.A. Amer­i­can Radio Relay League [ARRL]
Address: 225 Main Street, New­ing­ton, CT 06111–1494
Tel: +1 (860) 594‑0200 <HQ>
Fax: +1 (860) 594‑0259 <HQ>  
Email: h.… <HQ>, w6… <W6ROD>
Pres­i­dent: Rick Rod­er­ick, K5UR
Sec­re­tary: David Min­ster, NA2AA
IARU liai­son: Rod Stafford, W6ROD
Last updat­ed: 21-Oct-2022

UGANDA Ugan­da Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [UARS]
Address: P.O. Box 22761, Kam­pala
Chair­man: Peter Casi­er, 5X1T
Sec­re­tary: Jef­frey W. Demarest, 5X1WJ
Last updat­ed: 23-Feb-2005

UKRAINE Ukrain­ian Ama­teur Radio League [UARL]
Loca­tion: office 29, 52/2 Per­e­mo­hy Ave., Kyiv 03057
Address: PO Box 56 Kiev‑1, 01001
Email: u.… <UT3UY>
Web: http://www.UARL.ORG.UA
Pres­i­dent: Ana­toly Kir­ilenko, UT3UY
First Vice Pres­i­dent: Serge Gai, UT5UIA
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 07-Dec-2016

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Emi­rates Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [EARS]
Address: PO Box 130333, Shar­jah City
Tel: +971 6 5587340 <HQ>
Fax: +971 6 5587360
Email: <HQ>
Chair­man: Sheikh Abdul­lah Faisal Al Qas­si­mi, A66A
Vice Chair­man: Murad Hasan Abdul­lah Al Blooshi, A61Q
Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary: Yousif Ahmed Mohamed Rafee, A61Y
IARU Liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 01-Nov-2016

UNITED KINGDOM Radio Soci­ety of Great Britain [RSGB]
Address: 3 Abbey Court, Fras­er Rd., Pri­or­i­ty Busi­ness Park, Bed­ford MK44 3WH
Tel: +44 1234 832700 <HQ>
Fax: +44 1234 831496 <HQ>
Email: g.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: John McCul­lagh, GI4BWM
Gen­er­al Man­ag­er: Steve Thomas, M1ACB
IARU liai­son:  Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 15-Apr-2023

URUGUAY Radio Club Uruguayo [RCU]
Loca­tion: Simon Boli­var 1195, C.P. 11300 Mon­te­v­ideo
Address: P.O. Box 37, C.P. 11000 Mon­te­v­ideo
Tel: +598 (2) 7087879 <HQ>
Fax: +598 (2) 7087879 <HQ>
Email: c.… <HQ>
Pres­i­dent: Car­los Pechiar, CX6BT
Vice Pres­i­dent: Car­los Rodriguez, CX7CO
Sec­re­tary: Hora­cio Nigro, CX3BZ
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed:  14-Nov-2023


VANUATU Van­u­atu Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [VARS]
Address: P.O. Box 665, Port Vila
Tel: +678 23872 <YJ8RN>, +678 27378 <YJ8PE>
Email: r.… <YJ8RN>, p.… <YJ8PE>
Pres­i­dent: Achille Poulet, YJ8PE
Sec­re­tary: Rod Newell, YJ8RN
IARU liai­son: Sec­re­tary
Last updat­ed: 29-Nov-2016

VENEZUELA Radio Club Vene­zolano [RCV]
Loca­tion: Av. Lima, con Av. La Salle, Los Cao­bos, Cara­cas
Address: P.O. Box 20285, Cara­cas 1020‑A
Tel: +58 (212) 781‑4878, +58 (212) 793‑5404 <HQ>
Fax: +58 (212) 793‑6883 <HQ>
Email: <YV5SF>, se.… <HQ>,
Pres­i­dent: Vic­tor Toro, YV5KQH
Vice Pres­i­dent: Fran­cis­co Lopez, YV5LI
Sec­re­tary: Ruben Car­ras­quero, YV5KHF
IARU liai­son: Jose Cornieles Lean­dro, YV5COR
Last updat­ed: 16-Sept-2024

VIETNAM Viet­nam Ama­teur Radio Club [VARC]
Loca­tion: 11 Bis Nguyen dinh, Chieu Street, Dis­trict 1, HCM City
Address: 11 Bis Nguyen dinh, Chieu Street, Dis­trict 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: +84 (8) 821 2193 <HQ>, +84 (8) 829 4912 <XV2A>
Fax: +84 (8) 914 1008 <HQ>
Email: d.… <HQ>, a.… <XV2A>
Pres­i­dent: Nguyen Bac Ai, XV2A/3W6AR
Sec­re­tary: Hoang-dinh-Chien, 3W2KD
IARU Liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 07-Dec-2016





ZAMBIA Radio Soci­ety of Zam­bia [RSZ]
The Radio Soci­ety of Zam­bia has sub­mit­ted its res­ig­na­tion from the IARU.
Last updat­ed: 30-Jun-2021

ZIMBABWE Zim­bab­we Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety [ZARS]
Address: c/o Chuck Gar­diner, PO Box EH 91, Emer­ald Hill, Harare
Tel: +263 (4) 302 152
Email: t.… <Z21LV>, s.… <Z21LW>, a.… <Z21BB>
Pres­i­dent: Athol Mas­doll, Z21LV
Vice Pres­i­dent: Fer­nan­do Arroyo, Z21BB
Sec­re­tary: Chuck Gar­diner, Z21LW
IARU liai­son: Pres­i­dent
Last updat­ed: 18-Jun-2012

About Since 1925, the Inter­na­tion­al Ama­teur Radio Union (IARU) has been the watch­dog and spokesman for the world Ama­teur Radio com­mu­ni­ty. Learn More
Hav­ing Trou­ble? If you are hav­ing trou­ble find­ing a page on our site, please try the “Search” at the top of the page.
Con­tact The Inter­na­tion­al Ama­teur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
New­ing­ton, Con­necti­cut 06131–0905
U.S.A.  Con­tact Us
Print This Page Updated on October 21, 2024

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